Fan made PoE trading card game!
TLDR: I made a fan TCG for Path of Exile. Here’s a Youtube Channel I made to explain some of it, and the Google Drive where you can get instructions on how to download and play. I'll also have my stream up for a bit while I continue to work on more cards. I currently have 130 cards made, and would like to have at least 200 in total. Stop by and help me make a card or two! Back in 1996 I began playing Magic: the Gathering and over the years I saw many similar card games come and go. Unlike Magic, many of these were based on movies, tv shows, games etc. So I wondered, what if PoE had a trading card game? WoW did it with Hearthstone. League of Legends did it with Legends of Runeterra... So why not PoE? So, I created it! I’ve been working on this for a couple weeks now, so it’s certainly not polished, fined tuned, min/maxed, or whatever. I am confident in pretty much everything except balancing. Which is why I am sharing it now, I feel this is the time to get some games going and take some feedback to begin balancing some of the cards. I'm not sure of the legal stuff of this so I'm definitely not going to print, sell, or do anything to directly make money off this. It's going to be a free thing I put out there for people and exiles to enjoy. However, I would love some guidance on this if some of the GGG bosses could chime in. I know things like Path of Building, Filterblade and PoELab exist, they use PoE stuff to an extent, and some of these sites even have adson their websites and probably Patreon's or other ways of accepting donations and generating income. If this blew up, I would totally love to invest time into regular updates, expansions and fine tuning it to make the experience better. I have a sort of janky way to make it work, but it works! There is a program called Cockatrice that is mainly meant for people to play Magic online and have access to any/all cards. It's not rules enforced, it's basically a blank tabletop that only handles the most basic functions of a card came. Managing a library, allowing you to draw cards, tap cards, zones for graveyard, removed from game, etc. It's really easy to import custom cards so many people have created their own card games and used it for the exact purpose as me. Download Cockatrice, import a text file with card info, import card images and you're good to go! Google Drive link is at the beginning of this post, I put all the files there and there is also a text file with more detailed step-by-step instructions as well as the rules booklet. I feel lore is important, even in a card game. For those of you that remember Cut-Throat League, it was a short league done as a race. Here's the explanation from the wiki "Players may join another player's instances by using Ctrl+Click at waypoints and doorways. You are able to kill other players outside of town. Slain players grant experience and drop all of their non-gem equipment when they die." So, in PoE Tribute, you invade other players while they are mapping. Of course, many players have favorite maps so they may be in the same map pretty often. If you are able to kill them off enough to cause them to run out of portals, you farm the rest of the map :) Imagine how frustrating it would be to lose your map, (and all the potential loot) Especially in a race environment. Because there is safety in numbers, parties of 3 Exiles will be fighting it out in this game. Have you ever been in large party? It's insane, you can't see anything, you get 0 FPS and there's always this one person that goes super Sanic speeds and nobody can keep up. Make it hard to pick up loot without being left 5 screens behind too :( Mobs don't care. They attack any Exile they see. So, you will have mobs that will unintentionally help by attacking enemy Exiles. (This is the best I've got) If I continue to work on this, leagues can be used as, or included into expansion sets. Imagine an entire new set of 200+ cards all with Breach and Abyss themed cards. Or maybe just one... Coming soon, Delve, the next expansion to PoE Tribute TCG! I'm sure if/when people check out the game there will be suggestions and critics so I'm going to share some of my thought process on how I designed some of the cards and game mechanics. There are a TON of things in PoE, and I wanted to allow this game to have the same customization and depth, but without getting overly complicated that might deter players. After all, it's a game and should be fun, not a frantic marathon of analyzing rules and doing endless math. If you've played TCG's, you know even the most straight forward ones require quit a bit of game rules knowledge and math. There are a ton of semi-permanent things for Exiles to include in a card game. The best part is that almost everything you do can be reversed or traded for something else; Passive skills, gear, ascendancies, active gems, support gems, auras, jewels. Making all these exist in the game in a permanent "stay on the board" state would probably be too much and get really cluttered extremely fast. Exiles, Mobs, Gear and Active Gems are all permanents that remain on the board until something causes them to be destroyed. Gems will be a bit limited, at least for now. Each Exile can only have 1 attack or spell gem equipped. Though there are some instances where more than one is allowed such as when wielding a Mjolnir, or a Necromancer using Minion Gems. Auras, Curses, Passives, Notables, Keystones and probably most of anything else added to the game will be one time use cards. Aura’s get turned off in certain situations. Passives aren’t respected often, but it happens. Sometimes you unspec Vaal Pact to do a Labyrinth, swap out some damage nodes for more life/ES/Evasion when you get enough damage from gear. Last bumped on May 24, 2020, 2:01:47 AM
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