Build help for Kinetic bolt spellslinger

Hello PoE community,

I am a new player on my first full play through wanting to try a kinetic bolt build. I cannot find many guides on the skill so I am turning to y’all for some pointers. I am hoping to build a tanky shadow assassin using kinetic bolt and spell slinger. Somewhat based off this elemental hit build. Wondering if I could get some help and pointers as to how to convert the build to kinetic bolt play style. I understand it may not be the most optimal or meta build or whatever but this is what I’ve chosen and am trying to make for my first full play through. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Last bumped on May 24, 2020, 1:08:11 PM
I can’t figure out how to edit my post so I just wanted to add that I’m also interested in advice for how to include single target for boss damage. Maybe barrage? Anyway I’m noob so I’m not familiar with creating builds. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
Kinetic bolt is kind of garbage. Kinetic blast is good. I have it socketed in Thunderfist murder mitts for a pseudo-5 link: lightning damage from the gloves, plus greater multiple projectiles, pierce and elemental damage with attacks. This along with wrath and herald of ice makes it an awesome clearing skill (enlighten support is necessary to run multiple auras). It's not for bossing, though. Use a different skill for that. I'm using a 6L with power siphon for bosses. Just remember when you're choosing your passives, these are attacks, not spells, even though they use a wand. Don't waste any points on spell passives.

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