Delirum legacy (text) + original music (my own)

Hello all, i would like to share my "Legacy" story for a Delirium which i tried to wrote. Hopefully, you will like it. For that even i made a music, because i am music composer and song is called "Farewell Soldier".

Let me know, what u think about both! Best regards Arm0r!

You can listen my music while u are reading this. Link below. And for sure, if you like it, you can subscribe, comment and so on. Do not take it as advertise as it is not purpose of that.

They are calling me from grave
They are changing my brave,
But they can't handle my resist
As i can resist, my mind persist.

But resistance is futile of this
They defeat me, soon or later
As far i live, they kick me like a fist
After that i vaporize in the mist

Do i win this game or i lose it anyway?
Remember my words, my art, and thus i pay
Highest sacrifice of that all, they said
I am weak for that all and i say ..

Don't forget on all of this kind stuff
My life is like a broken staff ...
The word stands like a rock,
There is no way to stop the clock.

Nothing stays forever, they said
Even if they stay in fever, i said
Don't forget my name, member,
I am the past of world, remember

Do i reach the end of my fate?
Don't try to talk to me, mate
My soul will vanish like dust
This is pure judgment, it's a must

Forget on your sins, mortal,
My name persist immortal,
Your road to the end is near,
Resistance is futile, do not fear

I am the dark voice in your head
The truth you didn't want read
Now i eat your dreams, your mind
And lastly, you will fall like mad.

Majority of you, would like to see
The truth about my pain and me
But majority of you, just cannot feel
The evil, madness, sad - like neverending wheel.

There are mortals and immortals
We, as we know, are the mortals,
But who is the immortal? Our legacy?
Our work, feels, kind decisions or agency?

Everything you see, is not real,
It's just imagination of your feels,
Never fall like me, otherwise you see
The dark in your soul, like me.

Darkside of my mind is right there,
Somewhere in the future, only here
And i call the evil from the grave
Then i become the general of the fate

My enemies would like to see me vanish like smoke
And their calls was heard as far i am broken
Resignation, lost, surrender, everything you see
It's not a blame or lie, it's a true like a sea.

Dark times are behind the corner,
More often we are hiding on borders
There are no way to go back
Is there any chance, or do i see only black?

The evil grows like a seed.
Many of us tried to read
But we do not understand at all
It was written in the past ago.

They drive me mad and i didn't want go back
As far as i know, there is only a black
I refused to being good, so i lose my hesitation
I am giving up, and give them my resignation
Last bumped on Apr 10, 2020, 1:27:10 PM

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