The passover and mana.
With the introduction of archmage i felt like mana needed some talking about since poe dabbles in all the occult terms like talisman mana etc and is generally borrows from real life magical stuff.
So some of you might know that there is a cultural / religious event going on for a week called pass over and historically moses / musa ( prince of egypt guy) and his followers only consumed mana when they were stuck in desert escaping from Egpyt. Here mana is refered as some super natural stuff straight from heaven which feeds your body unlike organic food which has waste byproduct !Not pooping sounds awesome . Well since it can't be obtained any more ( cries ) so critics think it could have been one of many things including honey , wine , plant derivative etc. Interestingly plant based derivative has refrences to soma which is a story of its own. Just so it happens this word is used in many more cultures. Dudes in hawai think of it as spiritual energy. kamehameha orignis is interesting lookitup . Maori / oceaninc , the aboriginals not the eu dudes , think of it as authority and is pretty deeply woven in their politics. Indians too have a word and symbolizes respect but it also has many other meanings . literal mind would be one of many which seems to be sa . In the sense that without mana is your will or motivation. It can also mean measurement but it seems obtuse in reference to modern gaming concept where we use mana to use spells. Ofc in most games now a days this concept is for namesake only and probably is used mainly as limiting factor to use skills . well thats all i got , anyways happy festival to all. chaotic neutral Last bumped on Apr 9, 2020, 4:13:23 PM
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Well we Iceage people call that white stuff that falls from the Sky Snow.
I attribute the miscolouring to the fact, probably not alot of people have seen it before. Maybe its molten mana in PoE ?
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Nothing to me indicates when old text's refuse "water" as being soma/mana they aren't talking about a mental or experiential component similar to how inuit have a different word for "snow that is about to break if you step on it" or "seven days old snow" etc.
All would be falsely translated to snow by most people, yet they have a much more intricate meaning to the people living in conditions of permanent danger within a snow environment and thus require linguistic differentiation. Water ariving in a dessert under mortal conditions could have been given a similar magical propperty for which simply "water" does not suffice to express the context. At least thats how i consider terms like that, we pretty much know all of the building blocks of mater so if it conveys a meaning its gonna be in there somewhere. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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" I don't think I've ever read anything on here with which I agree more. Manna from heaven is an interesting concept. For some reason I always imagine it's like honey, probably as a result of the description of the cakes made of it in Exodus. I like that one of the possible original meanings was simply 'what is it?' I never really equate that 'manna' with the modern idea of 'mana' as fuel for magic, because they have fairly clear separate etymologies, even though in older accounts the Biblical 'manna' is sometimes spelled 'mana'. It's a nice coincidence but the Biblical manna/ Polynesian/Oceanic mana is very likely a false cognate. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
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" I feel like that single word summarizes the whole thing i was trying to convey! But surely they must have some singular roots and not just random coincidence. Also exodus sounds more precise then escaping from evil over lords and stuck in desert . Guess you are really good with language . Also i prefer to believe that mana and manna are the same thing subjective opinion ofc . Feel like those dudes stuck in desert were fed with divine motivation powerful enough to make them sustain without food , that power which enabled moses to fight and survive figurative evil -summon flood -locust - split seas , yea faith is really stupid when viewed from different perspective . But pretty much all religion have a foundation where some divine dude does impossible and majority have that divine dude fighting evil . In buddhism and hinduism manas is word used for mind , an organ which coordinates the sensory input to the consciousnes . Good old philosophy of mind is different from consciousnes . Which could lead to without consciousnes / manas / will / motivation one cannot achieve / do anything .Tbh i am not sure what i am trying to arrive at here . Also i am not sure what the whole melting snow thing is about could some one shed a light . chaotic neutral
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^look up polysenthesis.
They bassicaly have words that can only be translated to english using multiple words. For example using a single word to describe snow that is not stable to traverse. We would have to say "watch out that snow looks visually stable but its melting and unstable" while they could say "watch out for that x".(the word would convey the state of the snow intrinsically and that its dangerous) That's what i was getting at when it comes to old linguistic texts, we don't know if they utilized mana in a similar fashion to indicate an intrinsic propperty when talking about water. To differentiate for example between "water" when found in a normative perception/body state and "mana" when found in a deprived drought state, both could be indicating the same foundational substance(water) but indicate contextual meaning. Peace, -Boem- Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
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