(STANDARD) Most valuable account on PS4

Welcome to our store we spent thousands of dollars on stash tabs to fill and thousands of hours farming content and trading to acquire these items.

Some items are available for mirror service, most are for sale. Many items have a high price tag just to deter most lowballers from even bothering and wasting time. Feel free to pm psn - Mistiqke for further inquiries. This forum post will only be checked every so often. ENJOY!

This is just a taste of what is in stock. Theres much more being used by builds and I will be linking more of whats in the tabs later on.

Mirror-able items

Great Items

Good Legacy items

Last bumped on Apr 6, 2020, 4:05:18 PM
Show me all assassin's mark rings, preferably opal or vermillion with t1 or t2 shaper cold dmg to attack/spells.

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