Hierophant Arcane Blessing overrides Arcane Surge gem

Bug#: 157 353 256

As far as I know if you apply a non-stackable buff from different sources, the stronger should take priority. Haven't found too much information about this ascendancy point but you can read basically the same thing in this (pretty old) forum thread.

I've made a video where you can see that when the higher level arcane surge proc, my total mana regen becomes 312, but as soon as my spell hits any enemy it goes down to 288. For me this means that the lvl 1 arcane surge (from Arcane Blessing) overrides the higher level (lvl 16) arcane surge buff (from the support gem).

Could you please clarify that this is intentional or is a bug?

The video
Last edited by csisyadam on Mar 30, 2020, 7:23:47 AM
Last bumped on Sep 8, 2020, 7:49:08 PM
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bump for visibility because I've only just realised that too
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N/m seems its finally fixed yay
Last edited by czulki on Sep 8, 2020, 7:58:26 PM

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