[WTS (ps4) standard] 503 fossils and a 6 linked carcass jack
Hi like the title says im selling 503 fossils in standard league on ps4!
I would prefer to sell all of the fossils to one person so add me on psn my gamertag is: FlashGordon69rox The fossils are: Lucent=11 Pristine=64 Shuddering=16 Enchanted=9 Prismatic=18 corroded=7 actheric=6 encrusted=2 perfect=5 sanctified=1 frigid=40 serrated=1 jagged=59 metallic=55 gilded=1 dense=32 bound=21 aberrant=56 scorched=78 im selling all of these because i will never use them and would like to buy other things best offer gets them imm hopping for 15 ex for all the fossils and the 6 linked carcass jack... Last bumped on Mar 29, 2020, 8:27:11 AM