Masters Not Appearing in Maps (Except Zana)

Since hitting maps on my second character I have yet to have a single Master mission from either Einhar or Niko. I do seem to get Zana missions every so often. I have gotten a single Alva mission as well but considering the 40+ maps or so run to have not seen a single master mission other than Zana seems odd.

Cassia and Zane from metamorph are occurring normally.

Anybody else noticing that Master missions are way less common or not showing up at all?

I'm only in white / yellow maps ATM.

I don't recall seeing either Niko or Einhar on my first character either!! I think Zana has been showing up ok on that one though.
Last edited by DrHarvey12 on Mar 21, 2020, 1:02:53 PM
Last bumped on Apr 10, 2020, 3:07:04 PM
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My guildmates and I seem to be having similar problems but with different masters. Common thread I've noticed is that we each seem to have 2 masters that we can receive, but the other ones do not spawn.

I'm in red maps now. I have not seen Zana or Alva unless I spawn them via a mission.

I've seen Niko and Einhar plenty of times. I've seen Jun a few times.

Cassia and Tane are spawning regularly - if anything Cassia is spawning more than I would expect. Is she stealing other spawns?

A guildmate of mine is only seeing Alva or Jun. Another one only gets Zana and Alva.
Last edited by Zeaket on Mar 18, 2020, 6:48:27 PM
I ran about 25 maps last night and definitely noticed a high occurrence of Cassia and Tane.

I also did get an Einhar and a Jun once so they are spawning but seem very infrequent. Still not seen Niko at all though!

I guess it might just be getting a bit unlucky but it does feel off from what it was last league.

Interested to know if anybody else feels like the naturally spawned master missions are now pretty uncommon.
I posted a thread a couple of hours before you, but i seem to be having a similar problem, in that i don't see NO masters in my maps at all, Cassia and Thane appear but no Niko, Einhar, Jun, Zana or Alva. I have been mapping solid for the past 3 days, 2 of which were on my second character of the league, yesterday and today is on my 4th character made this league.
Cassia, Metamorphs and Legion (very rarely) for me are the only ones that show up.

Haven't seen a single wild Niko/Alva/Jun or Zana yet without putting in a mission. Nearly full atlas completion.
Just wanted to stop in and bump this. Working on my third watchstone now, not a single master spawning naturally. I have seen tane/cassia quite frequently, with an occasional abyss/legion monolith/breach/essence. Something must be up with niko/jun/alva/zana/einhar.
"I need time to gather my will."
I have only seen Cassia and Thane as well. If I want any of the other masters, I have to trigger them myself. Perhaps, this is by design?

Update 31 March:

I still haven't seen a single "natural" master mission on two characters. Metamorph, Blight, Legion, Breach, and Abyss all work just fine.
Buddha Bunny
Last edited by buddhabunny on Mar 31, 2020, 6:30:10 PM
I'm running SSF, and I'm only getting rare Cassia spawns in maps. I've had a total of 2 trials spawns as well in ~50 maps, one of which being a forced spawn from a daily Zana master mission (not a naturally spawned one). No sure how else to provide bug info for this.
Today I ran over 25 maps, haven't receive a single Jun atlas mission. What the hell?
Last edited by M_atrix on Mar 22, 2020, 7:28:11 PM
Dafex wrote:
I posted a thread a couple of hours before you, but i seem to be having a similar problem, in that i don't see NO masters in my maps at all, Cassia and Thane appear but no Niko, Einhar, Jun, Zana or Alva. I have been mapping solid for the past 3 days, 2 of which were on my second character of the league, yesterday and today is on my 4th character made this league.

This is happening to me. I'm level 87 and I have not seen a SINGLE master on this character. No Zana, no Einhar, no Alva, and no Niko.

I MAY have had a couple Alvas when I started in maps, but I definitely haven't had any of the others. This is very frustrating.

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