Minion Art/Audio Feedback of 3.10
As a Necromancer player, there are two small quality of life things, outside the minions still running around like crazy while in a hideout, even though they supposedly made them "not move as much" in hideouts, or while idle.
-The sound of power charges, endurance charges, and frenzy charges. I'm not sure why we're able to hear when minions drop their charges through a weird, "chink-chink-chink" sound. It gets rather crazy when you have lots of minions out. It's something that you eventually tune out. I'm sure nearly every Necromancer player doesn't care if they're losing charges because usually they're going to "just get them back", through Spectres, other buffs through passive things, or Necromatic Aegis, depending on the build. -Zombies apparently grunt more aggressively now? I'm not sure if there was something that made them start grunting and growling more frequently with the new patch, but it's more noticeable now, compared to before. It's rather annoying while in a hideout. :) For art. FANTASTIC JOB ON THE NEW ZOMBIES! I love them so much, I own every skin of minions and it's by far my favorite. I'm a huge sucker for celestial stuff too, but the new zombies just takes the cake. I love the the green lightning pillars from their slam ability, it's just so satisfying to watch. I'm sad that the Carrion Golem and other minions didn't have a similar design.. A Carrion Golem minion as some kind of green flesh beast with cables sticking into its claws and stuff like the zombies would have been amazing. Even if it didn't have the amazing lightning effects, Carrion needs love~! I personally would love it to have the green lightning effect with the spikes! Edit: Obviously I want the green MTX for spectres and skeletons too! But Carrion needs a skin of some sort badly! I have lots of ideas they could have. Celestial Carrion Golem Frost Elemental Carrion Golem (It would be icy with ice spikes as an attack) Porcupine Golem, It'd have all the spikes and stuff on its back! My real dream for minions would be to have literal soldiers like from A10 or something as minions. To be a real commander, kind of like Herald of Purity or Dominating Blow minions but as skeletons, and zombies. Last edited by khaosshinobi#3916 on Mar 14, 2020, 11:39:29 PM Last bumped on Mar 15, 2020, 12:55:22 PM
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Please separate the zombie sounds from sound effects.
The sounds of them moaning every second in my ear is driving me insane. I had to actually quit playing it was so annoying. Their sounds are tied to sound effect & not voice. Can you please add another sound bar to control "Minion Voices". I've never noticed it being like this before 3.10. Also the summon sound is now a "thump" like when a Golem does an attack, instead of the normal "squishy" sound on summon, again unwanted change. I simply can not pay with zombies now because of the changes.... EDIT: They did not moan before, as I pulled up some pre 3.10 video clips I've done & all the zombies are quiet. Will Post Video later. Last edited by GizmoX64#3837 on Mar 15, 2020, 10:42:29 AM
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I don't mind the summoning sounds at all. In fact, It's enjoyable to feel like you're actually summoning a minion. It's the constant sounds they make while idle that feels excessive.
Also, I realized shortly after making my post.. WE NEED PROJECT CONVOCATION! I'm currently using the Harbringer one, I love the sound and audio feedback of the ability. It made me realize that I would LOVE to have a green lightning variant when I summon my minions. The theme is just too good. >_< |
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Aye "It's the constant sounds they make while idle that feels excessive." agree 100%
There was no moaning before 3.10.. now they wont shut up. GGG needs to revert the moaning or make it toggable or add a sound bar just for their excessive noise. |
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