[Possible bug] Graphical issue regarding projectiles

I'm not entirely certain this can be considered a bug, but it's a very serious issue that can be avoided with a simple implementation. So here it goes:

I've been playing a double beyond + nemesis map with sextants and even more monsters from scarabs. As you would expect, there are a lot of monsters in each room and a lot more will spawn from double beyond, including a lot of proximity shield guys that take a while to lure out and kill if you don't have headhunter to go in and tank hundreds of monsters.

The problem is that it seems arrow projectiles seem to stick to walls INDEFINITELY. If you're using a high arrow count build, this gets out of control in indoor maps, as you can see in the screenshot I attached:

Because they're rendered indefinitely, they stack up to thousands and your fps drops since your pc tries to render all of them. I have an average of 13-15 fps in this room without doing anything. As soon as I engage with something or if I start attacking, my fps drops to like 3-5. I can say I don't have any fps problems in any other situations in this game as well as that my pc is pretty good.

SUGGESTION: The fix is simple. Make projectiles attached to texture disappear after a time, such as 5 seconds.
Last bumped on May 1, 2020, 2:43:32 PM
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SERIOUSLY? All you did was fix this only for simulacrum?
Bumpedy boop bump bump please for the love of god fix this!!


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