Ps4 trading hlp

Can u use this site to buy items for ps4? I'm new to the game and the prices on some items are absolutely absurd every unique is 5 to 6 exalts. I'm new but I've seen enough videos to know when it's a scam. So I was just wondering if it's possible to use this site to get ps4 items. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Last bumped on Jan 31, 2020, 9:00:31 AM
Good day sir!
No, unfortunately, most interaction of ps4 market and this exact site is linking your items in treads.
Using site maximum you can do is to contact a guy which stuff you'd like to purchase eaither via tread or directly asking him about trade in psn.
To be aware of prices(and obv scams which are allover ps4 market)use site to check real item prices and prob add to it like +30%/+40% of exact item price because ps4 playerbase absolutely retarded and prices like that are best you can get here.If you find something priced near it-grab it.
Before you invest too much time i personally recomend you not to waste it on this garbage game cuz you'll regret it later =)
This game is pretty much about trade and "trade" here is just a huge joke.

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