Xbox One Patch 3.9.2b Crash

Last night (NZ time) we released Patch 3.9.2b on both console platforms. Since its release, we've discovered that a number of Xbox One users are experiencing a persistent crash that we aren't able to replicate on our testing realms and did not occur in any of our testing prior to deployment. Since the issue is only occurring on the live realm, it's more complicated to troubleshoot. However, the work day in NZ has only just begun and we will continue to work on the problem until we are able to resolve it.

We understand that these kinds of issues can be quite frustrating. Thanks so much for bearing with us while we investigate. We will deploy a fix as soon as possible.

Edit: We believe that we've found the cause of the issue. We're currently testing a fix and will deploy it as soon as possible. Our current trajectory suggests that the fix should be available Wednesday morning NZ time. Our apologies again for the hassle!

Edit 2: We believe we have a fix ready to go! Deployment for this update is currently scheduled for 10am Wednesday NZT.
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Grinding Gear Games
Just bumping this post to bring visibility to the edit in the original post.
ProfessorNB wrote:
Wednesday... yikes. Might be league end for me.
Could we possibly load to hide outs by default? Tired of load times into towns just due to all the "MTX" that has to be loaded in then I tp to hide out b efor all the junk can even render.. lol?
Can I get a free quad tab please? I havnt spent $370 on the game maybe $100 in about 18 months.. I know I'm just a tuna... achieving whale status is a challenge. One day..

It's Tuesday in NZ right now. So while it's still longer than ideal, it should be less than 24 hours from now.
Bumping this thread again for visibility for the most recent edit to the main post.

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