Dance Emotes, worthless as of now.

I recently purchased the dance emotes for my scion and ranger, however it seems the only way to be able to active them is to manually go into a lagging cosmetic tab and selected it from a large list of cosmetics.

I figured before i purchased that they would be able to be added to your buttons like any skill/delve skill.

If possible, i would love see a feature where i can assign my emote to my controller, kinda pointless/waste of money otherwise if it takes me 25 seconds to actually activate it.

Cheers <3 IG @ADimensionBeyond
Last bumped on Mar 14, 2020, 11:15:21 PM
Bump, gimme button bound dances!!!

Shouldnt be too hard right? Treat it as a skill slot in a sense.

/endcrying <3 IG @ADimensionBeyond
There was a time in which they weren't?
No, this is not the account I play on.

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