Whats with the lag?

It seems this morning there is an insane amount of lag, seemed like it kicked in 2 hours ago or so is there a reason?
Last bumped on Jan 17, 2020, 2:56:03 AM
I dunno, stopped playing on console months ago when I blue screened every 5 minutes and couldn't do a map past lvl13 without severe lag/blue screens, etc.. kinda dissapointed, had high hopes for it on consoles =/
Constantly seeing lag and getting kicked to the main screen on xbox one
Last season I couldn't play with my friends on PS4, since we were all summoners.
Everything was so laggy that we either died or crashed,

This season I cant even play alone.

1 in 5 maps are so laggy that you either die or crash.
So you run out of xp/currency pretty fast and often do a rage quit.
Several of my friends have already quit this season due to that.

Dear GGG, please fix your servers.
I am sure that laggy servers are bad for your business.
Just lost another hc charakter yesterday because of freeze/crash.
I couldnt even log out of the game for about half a minute or do anything else about it.

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