How to use Xbox One Itemfilter

Hi, on the my account option here i can create Itemfilters and download them and stuff. How do i get them on my xbox? i cant find anything in option or any guide for this. Help me please :D

Last bumped on Jan 23, 2020, 12:14:42 PM
hey,pretty sure you cant do it on consoles
I've only done this on PS4, and can confirm is working, but it's a bit confusing. Not sure if this will apply to the Xbox.

On your profile page there is an entry on the right hand menu under your profile picture called "Item Filters." Create the item filter there. You may also choose to copy one from the item filter ladder, there should be a tiny link to it on the item filter page.

When you create the filter make sure you pick the correct platform.

Now, once you're in the game, open up the menu, go to the options and scroll down to the option that allows you to pick the item filter. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and they should be there. If they are not there, close the options menu, open the options menu again, and then check the list again!

That last bit is important.
I did all the Steps before i set that Thread .But they just didnt show up ingame .After last patch the Filters are available in the ingame options. But now its when you log in the Filter is set to standart again..unitl you open the Option menu a second time... then it sets back correctly.

COnsider this as a Bug report @GGG

Thanks for your help @Immanuel_aj
Hurrai KKnD wrote:
...But now its when you log in the Filter is set to standart again..unitl you open the Option menu a second time... then it sets back correctly.

COnsider this as a Bug report...

This has been an on again, off again, issue since Loot Filters were added for consoles... It's never been "stable" throughout an entire League's worth of play and, just as you point out, often requires players to reset their filters multiple times until it "takes." I dunno why... But, at least it's usually fixable in this way by the user if they recognize the problem is occurring.

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