Color temperature/Hue changer for MTXs

Summary: Hue/Color-temperature slider for mostly weapon, armour and character effects that would enable a wider choice of combinations with different MTXs that would not generally match.

One of the pillars of Path of Exile is customization, not just visual but gameplay in general. Support gems, passive tree, gear e.t.c. Currently there are a lot of MTXs that can work really well together but the one thing that ruins it is different color temperatures or slightly different hues. For example Sanctum Wings and Sunspire armour don't fit together because the color temperature is different. Same thing with lightning effects, some are really deep blue while others a either light blue or white with occasional blue.

It shouldn't require much effort to implement a Hue/color temp slider for each MTX. It shouldn't go from blue to green, but rather cover neighboring nuances. I understand that this would make people buy less MTXs in general because they can now create more sets (that fit aesthetically) with any given number of MTXs. If deemed necessary this hue/color-temp slider could be an addon per MTX that would cost 10-40 points extra.

Last bumped on Jan 10, 2020, 7:40:48 AM

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