Sirus walkthrough/spawn guide
Hello guys, here i want to explain how to beat sirus without any problems.
I killed him like 30 times with this strategy and it will work. So, let's begin. Sorry for my english, not my main language. Here i will attach a video with killing sirus that can help you to orientate. At the end of guide i will attack another boss-fight video, so you can see the differences in two different battles with same straregy.
Spawn sirus
U can start to spawn him only when u kill every conqueror (Drox, Verithania, Al-Hezmin, Baran) 4 times and after this u should spawn every of them on 4-watchstoned areas. Until u get all watchstones, u can spawn different conquerors in same area, that will work. When u get all watchstones, conquerors will spawn only at DIFFERENT areas. So what we need to spawn them ---> sirus. Next instruction is intendet for those ppl, who get all watchstones. If u dont have it - make only areas, which still have untaken watchstones. 1) After succesful/failed attempt to kill sirus, your atlas will be not painted in any colour of conquerors. 2) Start to clear t14-t16 maps in every area till every of conquerors will appear. Almost always one map in the area is not enough, need to complete 1-4 maps to make conqueror appear. If boss does not appear after 4 maps, FORGET ABOUT THIS AREA and make another. Boss will not appear there. 3) When conqueror colour area in his color, u can run EVERY MAP TIER to gain access to the conqueror fight. NOT NEED to clear ONLY high-tier maps. 4) U can clear different and repetitive maps to appear conqueror. According to statistics, if you run the same maps, then the chance of occurrence will be lower. 5) Sometimes need to clear 2-3 maps to get boss-fight, but sometimes need to clear 20+ maps in the area. That's normal, dont worry. 6) Dont need to complete the map to spawn boss. Just walk away from beginning and conqueror will appears/not appers and say his words. 7) Every conqueror should appear in summary 3 times (1 - change colour of area, 2 - only say his words, 3 - access to the citadel). 8) Get every bossfight and beat every boss. 9) Congratulations, Sirus fight is available! That's what i do to spawn him. Sometimes it remains 30 minuts, sometimes 2-3 hours. Also please. AWAKENING LEVEL DOES NOT AFFECT THE DIFFICULT OF BOSS FIGHT. HIS DAMAGE AND LIFE ARE ALWAYS STATIC AND NOT RELYING OF AWAKENING LEVEL! THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SIRUS LVL 4 AND SIRUS LVL 8. Sirus boss-fight. Sorry, cant make video with beautiful assembling. I will use screenshots from my sirus bossfight in this part.
Entering area
1.1)When u enter the arena, just run to the boss between three storms. When u get to the boss, stay under him to activate the fight. ![]() 1.2)If u enter area not first time, one cloud can be shifted to left side, blocking way that painted in 1.1. If this happens, move to another way, going around at the right side. ![]() 1.3)During the battle, the boss will create new clouds, so be aware of where they will be located, so as not to fall into them 1.4)Storms that been created by default are static, they can charge their place only if temporary circle boss-fight-area will touch them. 1.5)Storms that been created by boss will follow u if u come too close to them. So, dont need to stay near the beginning of area. Or clouds will block your way ---> attempt failed.
First stage of fight
2.1) When u come under the boss, he will say some words and become vulnerable to damage. Also he will draw a circle around him. IMPORTANT THING - NEVER CROSS THAT RING ON PHASES 1-3. IF U CROSS IT, BOSS WILL MAKE EXTRA STORM CLOUD THAT CAN GREATLY COMPLICATE YOUR ATTEMPT. IF U DIE IN THESE PHASES HE WILL ALSO MAKE ANOTHER CLOUD. IMPORTANT TO NOT DIE IN PHASES 1-3. 2.2) Boss will attack you from his autoattack beam that make lightning+fire+cold+phys damage to your (it can shock, ignite, chill, maim and make bleed). His attack speed is low, so you can just hit and tun boss to dodge this attack. 2.3) Boss will teleports in different places of circle and continue to attack you. 2.4) Sometimes boss will say "Die!" - with this phrase he will attack you with triple laser beam. If it hits you, it cause very strong corrupted blood debuff that can kill you in one second. Really, this attack is the most simple and most insidious. To dodge this, try to be nearly the boss, so it will be easy to dodge. 2.5) In center of circle will be his immortal projection that can use one of three spells: - Double beam in your position (makes not a lot damage, so just change position to dodge it) ![]() - 4 craters that explodes and make some damage in place, when they explode ![]() - MOST DANGEROURS. 4 meteors that make huge damage upon landing and creates VERY STRONG degen ground. Be careful with them, this spell can kill you in a second. ![]() Projection can use only one of these spells in every phase. It will cast it one time in 10-15 seconds, just watch on it and be ready to dodge. 2.6)When u damage boss to 75% hp, fight will come to interphase.
Interphase 1
3.1)Boss will become immortal and start to make storm cloud in the center of circle. 3.2)This cloud will follow you if u come close, so your task to move it from boss and then come under the boss to begin next phase. 3.3)If u come close to boss, he will spam some abilities on your, so just dodge meteors,craters,lasers that cast his projection. 3.4)My strategy to first cloud is run to to left, wait till cloud come very close and then run around one of static clouds. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 3.4)When u come under boss, 2 stage will begin.
Second stage of fight
4.1) Everything is same from phase one, but boss can use two new attacks. 4.2) Level 1 Meteor Labyrinth - boss teleports him and you and the middle of circle and make stone labyrinth around you with one way to exit it. Also he will start to cast smashing skill. Just exit this circle before boss make a huge smash to everyone inside labyrinth, deals huge damage and destroying the borders of labyrinth. To quickly find a way out of the maze, you should see sparks indicating a way out of the ring. ![]() 4.3) Laser corridor - he will create a long corridor in your direction and start to launch big balls to different sides of corridor, changing them. Needs to leave this corridor fast in the side of boss, and then he will interrupt it. Also u can dodge balls if u can or tank them with minions/totems. If u can do it, then its very good way to make damage to the boss. ![]() 4.4)When boss hp become to 50% another interphase is coming.
Interphase 2
5.1)Another cloud will be created by boss. 5.2)You should run to the right, wait till cloud come very close and then fast run around it to boss. It will be enough. ![]() ![]() ![]()
Third stage of fight
6.1) Everything is same from phase two, but boss upgrade his metero labyrinth to level 2. 6.2) Meteor Labyrinth level 2. Boss makes TWO circle around you. Need to leave them like in phase 2. ![]() 6.3) There is nothing new, damage boss to 25% hp to next interphase.
Interphase 3
7.1)Another cloud will be created by boss. 7.2)I dunno its bug or not, but THIRD and following (if you die on phase 1-3 or cross the cricle) clouds will not chase you. So, there's the inctruction. 7.3)After cloud is created - important to not come too close to Interphase 1 and Interphase 2 clouds, or they will follow you that cause your death. 7.4)Boss will very slowly moving to the left, so your task - wait the moment when boss move out of range of new cloud and then - run under boss. 7.5)Move from the circle up and wait. When boss will move enough - run between the clouds and activate last phase. ![]() ![]()
Fourth (last) stage of fight
8.1)Boss will regen his life to 50%. His projection will not attack anymore. Also u can cross temporary arena-cirlce without consequances. 8.2)Attact speed boss will be inreased, also he will use a lot of new attacks. 8.3)Meteor Labyrinth level 3. Boss makes THREE circle around you. Need to leave them like in phase 3. Last exit can bring you out to cloud or degen ground, so be care and be ready to use life flask to not die from damage over time and fast leave this place of the arena. ![]() 8.4) Spinning-four-laser-thing. Boss will create three of his copies, and with them start to create spinning laser thing. When its created, it makes huge damage if u stay close and start to spin lasers. These lasers make VERY LOW damage, so dont need to fear them, just dont stay long in them. Boss have more stronger attacks to dodge. When duration is ended, on the center of lasers will be created degen ground. Also u can attack real one Sirus when he create this thing. ![]() 8.5) Multiple clone beam. Boss become immortal and create a lot of clones in circle. After and 3-4 sec delay, real one will cast powerful beam on your position. To dodge this, just need to use movement skill away from your position when he will end saying his phrase. ![]() 8.6) His skill from phases 1-3 that casts after phrase "DIE!" will be upgraded to 5-x beam, that can turn to your position, so need to be VERY CAREFUL when he cast it. To dodge it need always be near the boss. This skill is most powerful and can kill you immediatly. 8.7)In this phase boss rotate some of his skills. He will cast labyrinth when spinning thing is expired. Also often he use clone beam or DIE beam after the ending of create spinning thing. 8.8)Beam corridor also can be used by boss. 8.9)If u die in this phase, important to reach boss fast when u come again, because boss can attack you from a very long distance. Also on outer borders of temporary circle boss will create degen ground, be careful. 8.10)Attack boss till the end. He can be culled at 10% hp. So that's it. If u do everything correctly, u will beat him. Important thing. Boss have unique phrase to EVERY of his spell. U can orientate if u learn each of them and just listen. Its help so much for me. There is the another video with Sirus walkthrough where i used same strategy If u have any questions - i will answer as soon as possible. Good luck and have a good drops :3 Last edited by SansMaslina6246#7926 on Jan 5, 2020, 1:03:40 PM Last bumped on Apr 30, 2020, 3:48:17 AM
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Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Just to clarify, you mention that you need to defeat each of the conquerors 4 times before yous can spawn Sirus. For me, I needed to defeat them all 5 times, i.e. 20 watch stones, and then Zana immediatly offered the quest to travel to Sirus citadel. |
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" Hmm, when i spawn him first time, i had only 16 watchstones. Maybe it was fixed at one of the patches. Ty for response! |
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I had assumed 16 for whatever reason, probably because he was originally 16. Got there a few days ago and noticed I did not have credit for completing the conquerors. As I did each of the conquerors for the 5th time, I "completed" them for challenge purposes, and then got the Sirus quest after doing the 20th stone today. Last edited by GreyLensman#5323 on Jan 4, 2020, 3:45:22 PM
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Very interesting.
Thank you! |
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" Thanks for responce! |
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Thanks for this, it was a big help even if I did get stunlocked to death.
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I feel so stupid...
I didnt read any guide for this guide as I don't like spoilers. When I got trapped by the maze spell, I don't even know how to react at all. It was later when ppl told me I suppose to play a mini game when the maze is cast and I suppose to find a way out of the maze. I was really stupefied. Why should a Big Boss play hide and seek with me?! |
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" Source please! |
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" awakening level affect sirus lvl = life/dmg 24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]
(I thought that was a joke) 25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab! |
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