[3.11 ready] NKO's Saviour Champion Cyclone/lacerate 14m+ shaper dps [Videos][All content]

Thank GGG for nerfing dualwielding so saviour price came down from 28 exalts to 2 ex :D, actually every item in this build got cutted down in price. and we only lost like what, some damage from dualwield changes and deep cuts +1 impale jewel. we did like 15-17 million damage with 130ex of investment and now we deal 12-15 million shaper dps for 20-30 ex invest (is enough to see shaper beam but then hes gone)

Choosing between lacerate and cyclone
I personally would go for cyclone just because the smoothness, lacerate need loooots of more attack speed but the single target is still there with lacerate. Shaper lacerate 3.11 harvest league : https://streamable.com/39qyao

I would say lacerate deals like 16m-18 damage and cyclone something around 12 to 15 million shaper dps

Harvest Videos
https://streamable.com/5866ek Elder kill and the jewel
https://streamable.com/aivuwc Drox t15
https://streamable.com/06wrf4 Phoenix
https://streamable.com/vnikj1 Sirus awa 7 deathless

My Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/nigelssoncs

https://streamable.com/8scxo white weapon shaper
https://streamable.com/pww7j minotaur with 10c chest and weapons total

You can use either Cyclone or Lacerate, its exactly same tree just If playing lacerate just swap out pulverize and cyclone for lacerate and multistrike and thats it. How ever u will need -15 mana cost chest and some mana leech from the tree/gear/jewels to make it work

Harvest Gear


You get 2 copies of yourself which do lacerate when u crit with it ( they double ur damage ). then we are using paradoxica in other hand which also doubles your damage output.

tank test (btw no forti up)

Cyclone Videos

https://streamable.com/gfu11 awakener 8 sirus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgSbXr4gcrE u elder

Lacerate Sirus Awakener 8



Cyclone setup
Cyclone - Pulverise - brutality - melee physical damage - fortify - impale support
Lacerate setup
Lacerate - Impale - Multistrike - melee physcal damage - fortify - brutality
Aura gem setups and everything u see from gear section


-pick up tabula, 2 uniq swords and other leveling gear.
-Frostblade - onslaught - added cold - ancestral call
-lvl 28-31 bladestorm, lacerate or cyclone and supports
-upgrade ur swords/axes and go insane
-1 possibility which is prolly best is to go terminus est flicker / cyclone leveling.

Bandit : alira
Ascendancy : Unstoppable Hero, master of metal, conqueror, worthy foe.

PoB link 3.11 : https://pastebin.com/HwNK3zzt

what u should be aiming for

Prioritize in this order
-15 manacost chest and -5 mana craft on ring.
-obviously the sword, im pretty sure paradoxica is best to dualwield with but this can be used foil with high pdps
-assasin mark ring / mark of elder
- if you dont wanna go assasins mark of the elder setup just go herald of purity ring with buff effect and ohysical damage mod
-+2 impale jewel
-cyclone damage / attackspeed / bloodrage attackspeed / 40% lacerate damage
-tailwind boots
-bottled faith
-chaos resistance if u can fit it in

Delirium leag Lethal pride

30% fortify effect is BIG in this league since mobs hit hard

10% fortify effect, 30% melee crit chance, 60% melee damage, 20% totem damage and 32 Str

Lategame upgrades
elusive buff grants us 20% dodge and spell dodge.
presicion pride watcher's eye
chest or amulet with additional curse and gloves with vulnerability on hit

If u have anything to ask, ingame name : mulle_ei_vittuvittuilla

You can share ur items and videos in comment section, im curious to see ur setups :)
Last edited by n1koee#2481 on Jul 17, 2020, 4:44:57 AM
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2020, 9:03:33 AM
poppin up
do the clones have their own bladestorm limits?

Im trying to make the weapon work for bosses and cyclone and BF is just straight up bugged and unusable.
@La_Nague yes they do, i Pob:ed some dmg numbers and came out with 9.5m - 10m boss dps as u see in videos. +1 helm enchant and we are good to go.
Last edited by n1koee#2481 on Jan 2, 2020, 1:53:02 PM
Gonna be trying this build, just acquired the sword today.
u elder down :)
shaper phase 1 down in 3-4 sec
I wonder, why do you have close combat in your links? I thought you lose proximity bonus as soon you get away from storms?
@MCSMvsME its pretty rare if i even go away from storms, still if i go back my copies will still be on enemys face. so that makes sense right since they get benefits from everything such as supp gems flasks n buffs
Last edited by n1koee#2481 on Jan 3, 2020, 8:31:32 AM

Want do try this build so here i am with my gear setup https://pastebin.com/FS5myNv8

if you have any tips or change i should make.

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