Doctore's Awakener & Other Bosses Carry Service

Discord: Doctore#6057
PS id: DoctoreSpartan

Awakener Kill ( any awakening level ) - 1 ex - you keep the loot ( can also stream it for loot drop proof ) - If you need the kill challenge i can do that, just let me know beforehand
- If you drop only a jewel or the helm then the carry is free.

Conqueror Kill ( any tier ) - 20c - you keep the loot
Shaper Kill - 40c - you keep loot
Elder Kill - 25c - you keep loot
Uber Elder Kill - 60c - you keep loot
Mastermind - 30c - you keep loot

Last edited by DoctoreSpartan on Jan 10, 2020, 1:32:04 AM
Last bumped on Jan 13, 2020, 12:07:30 AM
Doc just killed Sirius for me. Fast and easy. Highly recommended.
Doc clapped Sirius cheeks in literally no time! Highly recommended
smooth !! Thanks Doc for the Sirus ! I recommend this guy
Up we go
Very good guy , got crap loot but thats not is fault .

thanks again and i will contact next time i get sirus.
Hey, man! Is it possible to carry someone through the Labyrinth? I'm having a real hard time trying the last lab so I can get my last 2 ascendancy points, but the combination of traps and those damn totems are killing me.
Got another run until awakening 8, but wanted to ask: Do you allow for quest completion on Awakener? Ie, can I get a 'hey, hop in, he's almost dead' prompt?}

Regardless, solid deal, and even though I haven't used the service, I can vouch: Doctore runs a solid service every league.
@PunieToade yes, if you need the kill challenge i can tell you when to come in for the kill.

@kaic_87 if you really dont find anyone i suppose i can do it for you. Have you tried the console discord for lab runners?

Super fast and smooth, Doc destroyed Sirus awakening level 8 for me.

100% safe, just follow his instructions.

Hope we get more people like u in poe console community.

Ps: I messed the fight 2 times, but the guy is too good.

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