[3.9] Hillock's Winter Orb / Blade Vortex Trickster - Shaper / Uber Elder / Awakener Sirus Viable

Fine work with Hillock, exile.

This is my second guide on this forum.

I am a POE amateur player since beta, usually participating in league races, but in other accounts.

I started by playing Hardcore and was pretty narrow minded and quite prejudiced about Softcore players. But after a couple of time, I made the switch to from HC to SC current Challenge Leagues. I was around across many metas, Blade Vortex with Brightbeak and Bisco's Leash, Vaal Spark, Cyclone Slayer, Mjolnir Discharge Jugg, Thicc Jugg, HOA Jugg Boss Killer, etc...

After a hiatus of not playing the game and not having it installed on steam, I created a secondary account to use the standalone version of the game.

I came back at around Delve on the older account, and stayed for Incursion and the rest

Then played a bit less until Synthesis. It was the league I most played, having crafted a staff 6 linked with essences that i sold for a pretty decent amount of currency, which allowed me to acquire shavv's and inpulsa, and gear a bunch other characters

Reached level 90 then kept dying to mobs and losing exp, either because I couldn't afford this or that item, or didn't have regrets to properly edit the tree

Played in legion, mostly glacier and burial chambers farming, and to be honest, reached maps and level 80 in Blight, not my cup of tea. And mostly because of annoying Cassia's singing

Came back for this league specificaly for the Ziz's HC SSF Race. Picked up a Jugg HoA build, but slowly became an explosive arrow thicc jugg. Not so thicc that unfortunately he died early in the game. Then created a Guardian in the Softcore Metamorph League, mostly an aurabot with zombies, and cyclone.

I dare to say I should have leveled up as Hierophant or Inquisitor, because an aurabot leveling process with smite or vigilant strike, can be quite clunky sometimes. Even more for noobs like me.

Then I came across in the forum with a guide about Winter Orb, massive shout out to my boy g00fy_goober, which whithout him this could not be possible, and this is my take on his exclusive unique build, but with some twists here and there.

Thought about creating an extensive guide about this unique skill, which I never used before this date. Not even when it used to be considered a meta skill. At least for racers and pog champs.



3.9 Minor nerfs to the shaper crafts. Also harder to find shaped items, or to roll shaper encounters.

T1 ele dmg as extra chaos now roll highest 7-8% instead of 16-20% previously.


When I look for "Top Tier" in a build I have many requirements that must be met. I want a build that can clear ALL content (maps/shaper/lab/atziri/uber elder etc). It must be FUN and ENGAGING, not cost an extraordinary amount of currency, and have the ability to be a league starter with the ability to do all content later on as you upgrade and invest into your character. On top of this it must have fast movement or move skills and not have to worry about any weird issues that ruin builds for me (such as running out of mana, random one shots, not lacking in single target capability, etc etc.)

All in all finding a build that suits me and has all of these things can really be a tall order to fill. Luckily I have found yet another build that fits all of these criteria. Hope you all enjoy!


Very fun and engaging build to play
Very fast pace build
Incredibly fast movement speed with phase run + quicksilver
Flame Dash with faster casting to jump gaps/cliffs
Great Aoe Clear and super fun playstyle
Able to do strong burst single target damage which shreds map bosses
Incredibly fun self crafting on tons of gear pieces
Can do almost all map mods
Able to do all content (all maps, uber atziri, all labs, shaper and guardians, uber elder)
Extremely high defensive capabilities
Immune to corrupting blood
Free Arcane Surge
Easy / Cheap to gear with room for lots of improvements as you get more currency


Ele Reflect maps are NOT possible
Physical Reflect maps are best to be avoided (vaal bf kills you quickly)
Hexproff AND no regen on same map should be avoided.
Can be decently expensive to fully min/max yourself for end game gear especially for getting a shaped pyre ring


- Run any skill in act 1 you want, I usually do Freezing Pulse / Explosive Trap
- Get Blade Vortex right before Merveil (Act 1)
- Pick up Storm Brand after killing Merveil
- Level with Storm Brand until you get Winter Orb at level 28.
- Can make the switch then and use Winter Orb with Lesser Multiple Projectiles (LMP) until you get Greater Multiple Projectiles (GMP) (Act 4) or you can hold off until level 38 and then use Winter Orb + GMP + Infused Channeling + Conc Effect


Step by step


Create a Shadow
Kill Hillock
Grab Freezing Pulse and buy Explosive Trap from Nessa

Equip Lifesprig (x2)

B-B-B or B-B-G

Freezing Pulse - Elemental Proliferation - Arcane Surge


Freezing Pulse - Elemental Proliferation - Onslaught

if Arcane Surge (lvl 1) can be used in Frost Bomb

Level 12 buy a Storm Brand, Arc and Blade Vortex

At this point your aim setup Early game is done, time to aim for the mid to late end game setup asap.

In my opinion there's no need to talk about the mid setup at least to be concerned about it for casual players like me.

Start looking for Resistance Rings as well

Cold for Merveil (Act 1 Boss)

Lightning for Engineer (Act 2 Boss)

Fire before going to the crematorium (Act 3 zone)

Speed running / race tips:

Equip Lifesprig (x2) Wands BBB or BBG after killing Hillock (3 socket and linked if possible)

Equip Lochtonial Caress (lvl 1) Gloves RRRB (4 socket and linked if possible)

Equip Wanderlust (lvl 1) Boots GBRB (4 socket and linked if possible)

If you want to be even an extra faster for example in league start, or in a race, you should not equip any kind of chest before reaching act 3, if you're new to the game, but with the new league it can be kinda rippy if you create a monster in metamorph. Avoid choosing Life Regen, most builds except mines or traps handle the dps amount needed to outdamage the regen from this monsters. If you're on softcore, you can even push it further to rushing act 5 or even 7 without any piece of body armour. A little advice I would give, would be to keep a tabula with any leveling setup you need those colours on, or something, and a piece of body amour rare armour or evasion based, can even be energy shield based (late game vaal regalia ilvl 86+) if you need extra es. When you can afford buying an inpulsa on the market, at the time this guide was created a regular Inpulsa was selling for 20 c, and a 6 L Inpulsa for 40 c.

Colours of Gear:

Helmet GBBR

Weapon 1 GGG

Weapon 2 BB (last one can be whatever)

Boots GBRB

Body Armour BGRBBB

Gloves RRRB

End Game Setup

Blade Vortex - Concentrated Effect - Controlled Destruction - Cold to Fire

Phase Run - Enhance - Precision

Flame Dash - Arcane Surge (lvl 1) (then later switch with Faster Casting) - Portal

Hatred - Zealotry - Herald of Ash - Enlighten

Winter Orb - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Cold to Fire - Infused Channeling - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Focus

Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 1) - Immortal Call (lvl 3) - Vaal Righteous Fire

If possible Vaal versions of those skills
Level 28 buy Winter Orb (or quest reward)
That point switch Lifesprig (x2) for Axiom Perpetuum (x2)

Buy Pyre Ring, Saphire Ring (x1)

Buy Cinderswallow Urn, Silver Flask (x1)

Buy Dying Sun, Ruby Flask (x1)

Buy Bottled Faith, Sulphur Flask (x1)

Either craft or buy an Experimenter's Diamond Flask of Heat (x1)

Either craft or buy and Experimenter's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline (x1)

(This is the End Game Setup)

But if it is late in the league, or you have some currency to spend (I did the math under 70 c on the leveling gear plus flasks) you can buy a Wise Oak (lvl 8) for 5 c and an Atziri's Promise (lvl 68) for 1 c

If you wanna min max to extreme, buy an Eternity Shroud, Blood Rainment 6 L and start switching the leveling / current gear uniques for shaped item rares with "supported by X skill" and "Y skill in 2 different affixes. If you wanna be really neat picky, look for "supported by X skill level 20"

Weapons - Profane Wand, Rare, Shaped, Gain 20 % of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage (x2)
Helmet - Ursine Pelt, Rare, Shaped, with Winter Orb Enchant
Body Arnour - Eternity Shroud, Blood Rainment
Gloves - Slink Gloves, Rare, Shaped, Slow Projectiles (lvl 20), Faster Casting (lvl 20), Enchanted
Boots - Murder Boots, Rare, Enchanted 0,6 % of Damage Leeched as Life
Amulet - Onyx Amulet, Rare, Critical Strike Multiplier
Ring - Pyre, Saphire Ring
Ring - Multimodded Ring with Life and Spell Damage
Belt - Leather Belt Shaped

===== JEWELS =====

Watcher's Eye (2 Hatred Mods) (x1)
Anatomical Knowledge, Cobalt Jewel (x1)
Any Critical Strike Multiplier, Spell Damage or Increased maximum life rare jewels you can find, craft or buy (x3)

===== SKILLS =====

Explosive Trap [X]
Arc [X]
Storm Brand (lvl 12) [X]
Winter Orb (lvl 28)

===== ITEMS =====

Lifesprig (x 2) = 1 c (each) [X]
Wanderlust (4 sockets) = 2 c [X]
Lochtonial Caress (4 sockets) = 2 c
Tabula Rasa = 10 c [X]

Axiom (lvl 10) = 1 c [X]

Inpulsa (lvl 72) = 20 c / 40 c

===== FLASKS =====

Atziri's Promise (lvl 68) = 1 c
Wise Oak (lvl 8) = 5 c
Quicksilver = free
Silver = free
Life = free

===== PANTHEON =====
Alira (BANDIT)
Major: Arakaali / Brine King
Minor: Ryslatha / Gruthkul

===== TOTAL = 64 c =====



Rare shaper helmet

Base: Evasion helmet is the bis since Armour sucks in this game, ES helmet is ok too if u want more ES

Stats: Try to get a helmet with both 18 % + Increased AOE and Hypothermia

Life would be next, then Elemental Res is a bonus

Enchant is pretty helpful but also really expensive, making it not mandatory, only in a min max situation / second character / "10 exalt build" with Eternity Shroud


Eternity Shroud

Lots of life, tons of non-chaos as extra chaos damage for all your shaped items and hits ignore monsters chaos resistance


You can get sceptres or wands. I prefer wands because they look cooler and the implicit rolls a tad higher and applies to spell dmg not just ele dmg. That being said i think profane wands feel the best for the increased cast speed now that we do not use faster casting in our setup. Explosion mace is no longer a thing since pyre makes it pointless.

How to craft: First roll a T1 ele damage as extra chaos damage on a ilvl 85+ shaped base of your choice. Then regal it so it is a 2 mod rare. Then annul it and hope you remove w/e you regaled. If you roll the mod with alts and it already has a 2nd mod you can either keep rerolling or try to annul off the other mod, then regal and try same thing. Once you have a rare item with just the ele dmg as extra chaos you want to multi mod and add the following stats:

- Spell damage / Non-chaos as extra chaos damage
- Cold damage to Spells
- Cast speed / Arcane Surge on kill
- Global crit strike multi


Rare shaper gloves

Base: Fingerless silk gloves

They are bis but crazy expensive usually

Just get Item Level +84 base

Shaper base is a MUST.

You can try rolling/multimodding your own but might not be bad to just buy a pair that has life + res + the faster cast + slower proj on them

The socketed gems are supported by Faster Casting / Slower Projectiles does not do anything for us anymore, however those mods are hybrid mods and also give us flat cast speed and projectile damage. This is why we go for these mods


Rare shaper boots

These are the best option here

Pretty easy to fossil craft something decent

I would suggest getting an Item Level +86 base

I highly suggest to get 35% move speed as you rely on move speed for 99% of your movement

Get some good life + elemental resistances after

Enchant is pretty important here as we do not have a lot of sources of leech

So i would 100% go for the leech enchant on boots


Rare shaper piece is bis. Must get a shaper base so that leaves stygian vise off the table. Leather belt is probably your best bet. I would suggest to get a shaped leather belt and just 3 fossil pristine + prismatic + fridgid craft until you get a good flat life + cold dmg + ele dmg roll. Or you can just buy one. Obviously do not need anything this crazy but good life + cold or ele dmg + res works fine


Amulet should be a rare shaped ammy. Roll it for the damage pen and hopefully crit multi and then multimod the reset. For rings the first I would worry about is your rare ring. Shaped Opal is the best, but can be very expensive so any ring would do. Would try to alt/aug to get the cold damage to spells and attacks, multimod, then put on a few things that help. Life is a given. % dmg is great and so is flat cold/fire dmg. Second ring is just a SHAPED pyre ring. Basically you have to buy one or get a sapphire ring shaped base and scour/chance until you get a pyre. RNG is RNG especially with chancing a unique. Could take 10 tries, could take a a million. However pyre is a pretty basic unique so for most it is not too terrible. However it is really important to get a shaped one as without it you lose the eternity shroud effect for the +5% non chaos as extra chaos which is a decent bit of dmg, but more importantly you lose the "hits ignore monster chaos resistance" if all items equipped are not shaper items. This turns out to be a huge amount of damage


1x Anatomical knowledge jewel with corrupting blood cannot be inflicted on you

Gives a nice bonus to life (if placed directly to left of the witch start) along with a much needed corrupting blood cannot be inflicted on you. Winterorb attacks so many times per second that it is really easy to instantly get like 15 corrupting blood stacks on you. Also killing a bloodlines pack with corrupting blood makes them explode in aoe giving you max stacks incredibly fast. This jewel makes all of that not matter

Rest of jewels I just went for spell dmg while dual wielding (since its highest spell dmg roll on jewels and 7% max life. Also got some minor res as a bonus since i was lacking some on gear. Then just exalted for last mod and hoped which failed me every single jewel but o well. Feel free to get more crit multi mods as they are the best


6L Setup: Winter Orb - GMP - Cold to Fire - Infused Channeling - Conc effect - Ele Focus
4L Setup: (Vaal BV in helm for pseudo 6l): Vaal Blade Vortex - Controlled Destruction - Cold to Fire - Conc effect
4L Setup: Hatred - Herald of Ash - Zealotry - Enlighten (lvl 4)
4L Setup: CWDT (lvl 1) - IC (lvl 3) - Inc Duration - Vaal Righteous Fire
3L Setup: Phase Run - Enhance - Precision
3L Setup: Flame Dash - Faster Casting - Portal


Dying Sun is the huge one here. Gives extra projectiles, more aoe for vaal bv and less fire damage taken + fire res. Just a great Flask.

Experimenter's Diamond Flask of Heat is up next. Diamond flask still one of the greatest utility flasks for any crit build, adds enormous amounts of damage and give you immunity to being chilled/frozen.

Bottled Faith is disgusting in this build. Great dps, great visual effect, and of course more crit and more damage given!

Cinderswallow with crit roll. Huge dps, more crit, lots of regen

Quicksilver Flask is pure utility. Run fast, always :)

On the budget side of things, we could possibly use Wise Oak and Atziri's Promise


- Ele Reflect is by far the worst here and can not be ran.
- Phys reflect can be ran but you can NOT use vaal blade vortex. If you are anything like me, you say ok no vaal bv, and by time you get to boss, muscle memory goes completely against you... you throw it out anyway and watch you own yourself. Because of this i just don't run any reflect.
- Temp chains is horrible like it always is and cant stand being slowed, so it gets rerolled everytime, without fail


Gloves - +1 Frenzy charge is great. Ele Weakness on hit is not terrible. Flat base crit chance with spells is great. After that Gripped gloves implicit is best, fingerless silk gloves is next best. If just normal pair of gloves just run w/e you want.

Boots - NEED to get the leech enchant here. No other choice.

Helm - +2 winter orb stages is incredible or 40% inc winterorb damage. Stages matter a lot less now than they used too but +2 is still really good


Kill all = 2 Skill Points


Start as Shadow / Then switch to Trickster after 1st Lab

Swift Killer - Harness the Void - Ghost Dance - Escape Artist


Minor God - Shakari. I simply like the immune to poison.

Major God - Any will work but I like the Soul of Lunaris for added projectile avoidance, dodge, and no chained projectiles






Is non vaal BV ever used? No. Only vaal bv for single target burst. 90% of play is just keeping winterorb up and covers all clear. For bosses hit vaal RF then Vaal bv + dmg from your winterorb instant bursts single target stuff.

Why are bosses with multiple phases super dumb? I ask myself this question every day, blame GGG. After casting vaal rf + vaal bf, not having them on any boss fight with phases = doable but 3x slower. Multiple phase fights for regular map bosses should not be in game. Though i understand why things like shaper/elder etc have multiple phases. For things like desert springs boss, lava lake boss, tower boss, etc etc just skip them.

Why don't I have enough Str? Depending on base of your weapons, the str requirement can be huge. Keep an eye out for this when you buy a base for your weapons.

I don't like this or that with your build. Do I have to do it? 100% Absolutely Not. This is a build that I tweaked specifically to fit me. Do to you what feels right and looks good for YOU. YOU are the one that has to play it and enjoy it. Trust me when I say if you change your damage by a few hundred or even a few thousand or swap your defenses around it will not make or break the build for the most part. However keep in mind that I will always advise people to do what I have laid out in the build.

Why do I keep running out of mana? With Herald + Zealotry reserved we do not have a huge mana pool left. Now that leech enchant is gone from boots it is best to pick up Eldritch battery.

How do we generate frenzy charges? The frenzy charge generation comes from the gren nightmare jewel.

How do we generate power charges? This comes from Assassin's mark on hit ring. It is a nice boost to both crit chance and crit dmg. Gives a bit of life + mana on kill and power charges of course.

Is this build SSF/HC Viable? SSF I would say definitely not. I mean can you use winter orb without a lot of this gear sure. But what makes the build fun to me is having the inc duration gem + the +2 stages enchant + skill duration nodes + solstice/shaper presence and keeping winter orb up for a very long time. On top of that i like all the specific pieces of gear and things that they give. This would be very hard to do on SSF. HC viable is 100% absolutely. We have great defenses with almost 9k life (easily achievable with better belt/boots/ring) along with 49% dodge, 30% spell dodge, 21% evasion, max res, 11% block, leech/regen, and some other avoidances. This build is insanely tanky.

Why do we have faster cast + slower proj on gloves? Now that we use eternity shroud the actual socketed gems are supported by xxx on gloves do not do anything for us at all. HOWEVER they are all hybrid mods and include flat projectile damage and cast speed as the second part of the mod and with level 20 socketed by xxx they give a pretty significant amount of preojctile damage + cast speed


[3.9] Guardian Summoner Aura Bot CI or LL (Not posted)

[3.8] Flame Dash Hierophant (Not posted)

[3.7] Cyclone Slayer (Not posted)

[3.7] Hillock's Doryani's Fist Build | Touch Me | Berserker | Non Meta | Test | LSC


Current Setup (Act 6)

Weapon - The Tempest Steel War Sword - 3 L - BBB
Flame Dash (20% Quality) + Faster Casting + Zealotry

Shield - Rare - 3 L - GRG
Phase Run - Inspiration - Precision

Body Armour - Thousand Ribbons Simple Robe - 6 L
Winter Orb + Cold To Fire + Infused Channeling + Controlled Destruction + Hypothermia

Also have a Tabula Rasa with the corruption +2 level duration socketed gems

Gloves - Hrimsorrow - 4 L - With Trigger Word of Winter Enchant (Normal Lab)
Herald of Ash + Herald of Thunder + Herald of Ice + Hatred

Boots - Wake of Destruction - 4 L - RRBR
CWDT (lvl 1) + Immortal Call (lvl 3) + Vaal Righteous Fire (lvl 7) + Increased Duration

Atziri's Foible

Bisco's Leash (with % increased energy shield corruption)


Rares - Life + Res + Attributes + Energy Shield + Mana - Possible Sockets - Mana Cost Of Skills

Keep in mind, I have enough regen and a panick life flask, because when righteous fire triggers, you can die if you don't hold at least 1 life flask charge (Currently I can press it 2 times, 2 charges). Considering switching it to a Vaal Molten Shell or Steelskin, depending on my current gear types.

Planning to switch to Shackles of the Wretched + Kaom's Roots at level 68.

On the few rares that I am using currently, I crafted either resistances, or life, depending on if it was a preffix or a suffix.

Btw I wanna give another shout out to my patron supporter, and POE Envagelist Uchia Foudace, who is my poe tutor. We like to go on discord, put up a bot playing either For An Angel or When the doves cry.

So here it is a remix I did of that song.



The POB and most of the links and the videos are still missing either because I had to update POB and format my computer, but I will update it ASAP.
Last edited by FineWorkWithHillock#4732 on Jan 4, 2020, 2:13:40 PM
Last bumped on Jan 25, 2020, 5:39:17 AM

Added Passive Trees and a Leveling Guide step by step from lvl 1 to maps, gear included
This looks impossibly expensive for even the most dedicated players. Are you actually running this build or is this just a hypothetical?

Very detailed guide at least.
This looks impossibly expensive for even the most dedicated players.

True, I will give you that. I should put a disclaimer somewhere that this build is not at all reccomended for League Start or even SSF.

Are you actually running this build or is this just a hypothetical?

Just created a new character yesterday, trying this one out. I will make videos and update content based on that character progression.

Very detailed guide at least.

Thank you, talamoana warrior
You can check my progression on this build if you go to my profile and search for a character named "Hillock_Sombreado" which means shadow in portuguese.

Got lucky and dropped a pair of hrimsorrow gloves, did the first lab and got the enchant of winter. Bought a Bisco's Leash for 8 c with the corruption %increased energy shield. Still rocking with double Axiom, but might change to a shield I just dropped if I need an extra defensive layer.

How do I post an image and description of the items?
Last edited by FineWorkWithHillock#4732 on Dec 31, 2019, 5:48:00 AM
Current Setup (Act 6)

Weapon - The Tempest Steel War Sword - 3 L - BBB
Flame Dash (20% Quality) + Faster Casting + Zealotry

Shield - Rare - 3 L - GRG
Phase Run - Inspiration - Precision

Body Armour - Thousand Ribbons Simple Robe - 6 L
Winter Orb + Cold To Fire + Infused Channeling + Controlled Destruction + Hypothermia

Also have a Tabula Rasa with the corruption +2 level duration socketed gems

Gloves - Hrimsorrow - 4 L - With Trigger Word of Winter Enchant (Normal Lab)
Herald of Ash + Herald of Thunder + Herald of Ice + Hatred

Boots - Wake of Destruction - 4 L - RRBR
CWDT (lvl 1) + Immortal Call (lvl 3) + Vaal Righteous Fire (lvl 7) + Increased Duration

Atziri's Foible

Bisco's Leash (with % increased energy shield corruption)


Rares - Life + Res + Attributes + Energy Shield + Mana - Possible Sockets - Mana Cost Of Skills

Keep in mind, I have enough regen and a panick life flask, because when righteous fire triggers, you can die if you don't hold at least 1 life flask charge (Currently I can press it 2 times, 2 charges). Considering switching it to a Vaal Molten Shell or Steelskin, depending on my current gear types.

Planning to switch to Shackles of the Wretched + Kaom's Roots at level 68.

On the few rares that I am using currently, I crafted either resistances, or life, depending on if it was a preffix or a suffix.

Btw I wanna give another shout out to my patron supporter, and POE Envagelist Uchia Foudace, who is my poe tutor. We like to go on discord, put up a bot playing either For An Angel or When the doves cry.

So here it is a remix I did of that song.

Last edited by FineWorkWithHillock#4732 on Dec 31, 2019, 1:10:29 PM
Added a bunch of stuff to the main post.
first of all

i like the guide pretty detailed even for unexperienced players

i tryed out this build in metamorph it cost me around 70-80 ex or something

but i can say it works but is not that cost efficient

u can play most stuff on the game didn´t try sirius atm

Boss damage is pretty high in burst but after the burst u fall off quite hard cause winter orb damage by itself is not that amazing
(played winter orb as it was meta so i know what it should be like^^)

but most hard part on this is the added metamorph u have to choose to burst boss and can't deal with metamorph or u just have hard time dealing with the boss and maybe delete metamorph if you dont get whiped by some random mechanic on higher tier maps

i would rather tell ppl if you wanna go for insane endgame char if you are willing to pay so much ex in something get another build

but if you like winterorb in generell and got currency af go for this one it's awesome

i will maybe try to compare my stand and my metamorph builds
so i can give little advise what maybe can swap or if this one is overall better didn't touch my wo offseason for a long time
Last edited by Nersai#0280 on Jan 7, 2020, 8:04:39 AM
You literally copy pasted 99% of goobers guide. What a joke.

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