Vaal areas

Still 2 vaal side areas after patch, and also when i enter one cant leave it, only relogin help.
Last bumped on Dec 29, 2019, 9:54:32 AM
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also third vaal area ta the same map, next level.
and to the same (every organ can be choisen for bosses) yes, every but not eyes.
Same issue here with 2 Vaal instances within 1 map.

I just had two Vaal areas on the Harbour Bridge, so glad I didn't mess about trying to do screenshots and a proper bug report as it looks like nobody gives a monkey's uncle about it anyway.

Oh, and a happy holiday season to all!
Last edited by AndyAngel1961 on Dec 29, 2019, 6:39:04 AM

Same issue here. I couldn't get out of the Vaal zone.
Bug is still very much present today. How many weeks will it take to resolve this GGG? Simple solution is to disable multiple Vaal instances in the same map.

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