Chat and guilds when?

It’s been over 800 days on Xbox and over 200 on ps4 with multiple times you’ve lied and said “in a few weeks”

You’re not designing this from nothing. It’s not revolutionary. It’s chat . It’s been done for the past 30 some years if you can’t figure it out please unplug all your servers and go get any other job that is not gaming
Last bumped on Dec 10, 2019, 6:41:28 PM
It is very dissapointing that the developers seem to care that less about the console community.

They hosted a convention at the end of the world where they didnt mention consoles just a single time.

Faceman165 wrote:
It is very dissapointing that the developers seem to care that less about the console community.

They hosted a convention at the end of the world where they didnt mention consoles just a single time.

BUT we got to see 50 different streamers play the EXACT same 30 minutes of poe2. It was AMaZING!!!!

Lol not even 30 minutes for console not even 30 seconds. It’s a damn shame how horrible and ignorant this company is and how they release something like this they are supposedly proud of? How could possibly be proud of this product or even recommend ANYONE to play poe on console. It’s disgusting
Well, and anyways... People will, and is going to keep playing PoE on Console. They will keep buying Supporter Packs too. And other MTX, of course.

And Chat and Guilds on Console? When? Never.
That is the answer you seek, because no, they will never ever do it. So don´t even bother thinking about it. Personally I stopped thinking about it long time ago. So personally I don´t care really about those things.

I will and is playing SSF and will keep doing so. So why bother about Guilds and Chat anyways?!

What I DO care about though is this: I as a Console player, and I too want physical items available to me as a Console player. And I too want it directly from GGG.

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