Kitava Thirst Data
Raw Data from Simulation 10 million trials (assuming 6%-51% faster cooldown recovery)
New: Refer to this google sheet on how to pick your breakpoints (i.e probably either stick below 10 or go all in for 15-19.9) Pre 3.11
Nominal Proc Rate: 30%
Skill Use Rate Tier: 0-10 Procs: 3001022 Average Proc Rate: 30.01% Skill Use Rate Tier: 10.1-20.1 Procs: 2308847 Average Proc Rate: 23.09% Skill Use Rate Tier: 20.2-30.2 Procs: 1876387 Average Proc Rate: 18.76% Skill Use Rate Tier: 30.3-40.3 Procs: 1578702 Average Proc Rate: 15.79% Skill Use Rate Tier: 40.4-50.4 Procs: 1364594 Average Proc Rate: 13.65% How you should consider your breakpoints in this case:
![]() Takeaways: Kitava's Thirst is the worst item in the game Notable thresholds: Multiples of 10 (or just under) - optimal skill use rates for local maximum proc 13.00, 24.61, 35.66, 46.28, These are thresholds where proc rate is no longer worse than previous local maximum Methodology for critique if I messed something up:
Nominal Cooldown: 0.10s Server tick rate: 0.033s -> Real Cooldown is 0.132s with 6% (the lowest tier of cooldown recovery available) to 51% (unobtainable) the nominal cooldown time is 1/(10*(1+0.06)) to 1/(10*(1+0.51)) = 0.0943 to 0.0662 seconds which all round to 0.099s from server tick rate -> to never have cooldown Skill Use Rate is 1/0.099 ~= 10.1. We'll let Skill use rate of 0-10.0 (some leeway just to be safe) be tier 1 and starting at multiples of 10.1 be tiers after. For each Tier the skill use cooldown count is tier-1 eg, At 25 uses per second -> period between uses is 1/25 = 0.04s, let a trigger occur at t=0 t= 0.04 a skill used again but cooldown is active t= 0.08 a skill used again but cooldown is active t= 0.12 the cooldown has passed and 30% chance to proc. so at 0-10 tier the cooldown is 0 skill uses, at 10-20 it is 1 skill use, etc. When a proc occurs we are placed into state of cooldown and the next tier-1 attempts guarantee fail (0-10 tier has effectively 0 cooldown). Simulation occurs according to above settings. Last edited by biyte#7917 on Aug 16, 2023, 12:33:53 AM Last bumped on Nov 29, 2019, 8:47:54 PM
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