Delve and Fractured Walls

Hello Guys,
i've problem in finding fractured walls and hidden path

In this example the blue circled checkpoints should lead to the red circled unreachable area. but i've explored both of them and no fractured walls appeared..any suggestion??
Last bumped on Oct 21, 2019, 5:51:50 AM
They are usually near nodes that have two paths... like the one on the lower right.
My memory is a bit fuzzy on the rules (and if they changed) but i dont think you can extend via hidden fractured wall from a dead end.

Above the ring you circled is the other ring, could go left then down.

Also the ring at bottom could go north, north east.


What shag said.

Also, iirc nodes have 1, 3 or 4 exits. so yeah. I dont think 2 exits *only* is actually possible, so the single azurite node is very likely.
Last edited by Asmosis#7365 on Oct 19, 2019, 1:05:38 PM
You can probably reach the weapon one from the rightest blue circle, moving up a bit, and finding a path on the left with a wall in it.

The currency one can probably be reached from the path straight above or below it. Straight down from the upper path, or straight up from the corner in the path below it.

I always feel these things are more trouble than they are worth.
Asmosis wrote:
My memory is a bit fuzzy on the rules (and if they changed) but i dont think you can extend via hidden fractured wall from a dead end.

they have changed. this league delve is all fucked up, it seems. it seems like its 50/50 about following the previous "rules" regarding fractured walls now.

i've had dozens from dead end paths and from nodes with already 3 paths. basically check if there is a 2 node nearby (should still be a fractured wall off of it), otherwise check everything that is able to go to it.
Asmosis wrote:

Also, iirc nodes have 1, 3 or 4 exits. so yeah. I dont think 2 exits *only* is actually possible, so the single azurite node is very likely.

While it is true that the two exit nodes typically have a secret path I have found one that was not the case.
Good to know, so really the only one that can't have a hidden exit is one that already has 4 exits, everything else is fair game.
I think it still has to be 1,3, or 4 nodes. The blue circle on the right can branch in both directions making it a 3 node. Ive had this happen before.

However there is a 2 node to the lower right of the right-hand red circle. If there are no other hidden nodes off screen, then that one has to connect somewhere. If there are no other hidden nodes near that one, then it almost certainly connencts to the right-hand red circle. In that case, the left-hand red circle would have to connenct from one of the nearby 3 nodes.
Last edited by harddaysnight#7837 on Oct 20, 2019, 1:45:12 PM
SongokuSSj5 wrote:
Hello Guys,
i've problem in finding fractured walls and hidden path

In this example the blue circled checkpoints should lead to the red circled unreachable area. but i've explored both of them and no fractured walls appeared..any suggestion??

Hidden ways seem to be tricky, and sometimes can be hard to find; but there is some logic behind all that rng.

I recommend you to read this thread :
[3.4] Delve: Guide to fractured walls

that explains quite well what to expect and how to move around the Delve Grid to find the fractured walls.

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