WTB: Tombfist 1 abyss slot with corrupt mod of COH vulnera/elem weak/temporal

Windripper 6socket 4 link 2 link 5ex
Watchers eye precision 58% atk dmg 5ex
Quiver tri res (F41/C45/L18) life 92 70c
Lions roar 1ex
Taste of hate 90c
Elder fingerless gloves ilvl74 4ex
Elder gripped gloves ilvl78 4ex
Multicrafted gripped gloves (see pic) 6ex
Deafening essence of dread 1ex
The nurse 2ex
Alluring bounty 170-180c

Tombfist 1 abyss slot with COH vulnera/elem weak/temporal
Hyrri’s demise with cold dmg to bow atks/fire add arrow

Msg me here/psn reksmac
Last edited by reksmac on Aug 7, 2019, 8:33:53 AM
Last bumped on Aug 7, 2019, 8:33:16 AM

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