Can't Activate Eternal Labyrinth?

1. Finished all the previous labyrinths.
2. Collected all 6 Goddess Offerings (ie completed all the unique trials in maps)

Won't activate! Am I missing something?

Last bumped on Aug 9, 2019, 6:21:39 PM
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Silly question but is your character at least level 60?
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Yup, level 84
enzolor wrote:
Yup, level 84

Post a screenshot of pop-up window which appears when you hover over "The Eternal Labyrinth" line
Remember, suffering is convenient.
That is why many people prefer it.
Happiness requires effort.

Any ideas??

I also double checked each Trial has been marked Completed (see example). I have 6 Ascendancy points allocated in the Passive Tree, so I definitely finished the 3 previous labyrinths.

well then try to run all 3 labs again and then ethernal lab at the end.
Remember to touch the ascendency stone in each runs.
Last edited by HanSoloDK on Aug 5, 2019, 1:15:37 PM
I was afraid you were going to say that. Ok will do.
Well seems like that worked. I reran the 3 previous labyrinths and now the Eternal Lab can be activated.


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