The patch notes i'd like to see

Most of these are semi serious ideas born from complaints and years of playing this game, some are jokes(or are they?) perceive it how you wish, im so bored :x

All map bosses now have a chance to drop items with special mods similar to the bosses in Iceberg - This should further encourage clearing map bosses and reward players for shaping/eldering a variety of maps.

All base monsters in the main 10 acts of the game have had their full kits enabled while raised as Spectre - This should create more diversity for spectre builds.

Master Specialization has been added - Specializing in a master will increase the frequency of their encounters while decreasing others, Master specialization has other effects such as Additional sulphite for neko, More control over alva's temple results, Tracking specific beasts with Einhar, and more options available for Syndicate interactions.

Guild have been updated to have more ranks available, with these ranks the ability to use premium tabs to sell items exposed to the trade api has also been enabled for guilds, The stash must be configured by the guild leader to enable this function, Messages sent by players wishing to trade for these items will appear in your guild chat for members who's permissions apply.

Guild hideouts have been added to the game, Several hideouts are available by default and we've added more in the shop, Additionally a new style of maps have been added where new guild hideouts can be obtained however these maps require a party to complete, the decoration of the guild hideout by multiple users is now enabled and is configurable by the guild leader.

Skin transfers can now be added to your micro transaction stash allowing for global usage for alternate art and past league rewards in any league or game mode, Upon removing a skin transfer the item must be retrieved from the micro transaction stash in the league where the skin transfer was created, Items from temporary leagues not reclaimed will be transferred to the appropriate standard or hardcore league when character data is migrated as usual.

Post-League races will be making a return, As a side-affect we will be taking this time to polish content for future leagues while giving players a chance to try new builds in interesting and fun events such as endless ledge and so much more.

Labyrinth rewards have been slightly reworked allowing for the daily Labyrinth Jewels to be more accessible to a wider number of players, Emperor jewels will now be given out daily to the 1st 2nd and 3rd fastest users to complete the labyrinth but now completing side objectives is also taken into account as well as the percentage of monsters that have been cleared, The more objectives, faster you complete them and the more monsters you kill the higher your rank, The rewards are limited to one per account per day, Players who rank highest for more than one of the Lab difficultys will be rewarded for the highest difficulty they were able to achieve a rank 1-3 in, This should allow for a more diverse set of builds and players to be able to compete in the Labyrinth.

The headhunter has had its maximum number of buffs reduced to ??? and many previous legacy uniques have been brought back with the headhunter as a special type of Divine Uniques, These items have been given a limit of 1 equipped at any given time and should provide the most motivated of players more variety to chase after and create more diverse builds.

Mounts have been added to the game which allow you to travel much faster while in maps and the main acts of the game, If you are hit while on a mount you will be dismounted and a short cooldown period will be applied, This should allow players to quickly traverse maps that have been mostly cleared but still have monsters remaining, Additionally movement speed on all items have been adjusted to reflect this change as well as bring other classes back in line with each other and create a more immersive and realistic pace.

Death Recap has been added to the game, This should allow players of all skill levels to be able to see what damage types, amounts and from what monsters this damage was coming from, Additionally the recap will show how much of the damage was mitigated by armour, regeneration, guard skills and other effects, This has also been enabled in all PVP modes at the end of the matches.

Sarn arena has been completely revamped to allow for more strategic play of various builds, The arena is randomly generated each day to provide a fresh experience, Many more obstacles have been added to allow melee users cover to close in on ranged players, The sarn arena now features a waiting area where all players will respawn allowing them to exit the pvp area rather than having to die many times in some cases to reach the exit, Players who wish to reenter the Arena can use a portal to be randomly placed back inside for further PVP, Spectres, Zombies and Animated Guardian will automatically be revived when a player respawns finally allowing these builds to compete in PVP this change is also active in all pvp modes.

Some Ascendancy changes to Chieftan, Occultist and Templar have been reverted, The chieftan ascendancy's Totem taunt and armour received from the player have been restored, The occultists vile bastion has also been returned as well as the Templars second totem.

A new shield type Sigil has been added, These shields cannot have sockets and can be equipped alongside Staves to bring them in line with bowcasters, All bows and staves have had their attribute requirements increased by 50 at ilevel 76+ and these values scale down to their original value at lower levels.

Food has now been added to the game, Food will function like flasks but be unable to recharge until returning to town or your hideout, Food unlike flasks can be crafted to Rare tier and will have longer lasting effects, To craft these items a player must use the now enabled fishing and harvesting system to gather fish, plants and even animal parts, These harvest-able resources will spawn randomly in the Main Acts of the game as well as Maps, Once a player obtains enough ingredients they can trade these items to a vendor to receive a Food Item.

Trade NPC have been added to the game to assist players with making transactions while they are currently busy during challenging content, These npc are available to anyone who has purchased a premium stash tab, These npc can invite users to their own party in the event a player is already in a full party and can be configured with a custom greeting and trade completion messages as well as equipped with armour, weapons and MTX from your micro transaction stash, Weapons and Armour equipped to your trade NPC can only be retrieved from the league or game mode in which they were equipped, Trade NPC will require Exact currency so the pricing system has been updated to allow multiple currency's to be listed while pricing items, Players will receive configurable notification before, during and after trades are completed in the form of a PM.

SilentSymphony has been hired to smoke weed all day actually read the official forums instead of reddit to forward good community driven ideas to our lord and savior Chris Wilson, He will also occasionally make coffee and eat your yogurt from the employee rec room.

The old Blood magic keystone has been re-added to the game as an option from the recently added version, These two keystones are not compatible with each-other.

A new minion support Focus Fire has been added, This support gem disables minions automatically attacking and requires the player to order their minions to attack manually to bring minion builds in line with other classes in endgame content that requires specific timing and other situations that minions can not normally be used to reliably achieve.

Female and Male versions of all classes have been added to the game because is 2019, These are toggle-able at the character creation screen and are fully voiced.

Pants have been added to the game and all equipment related statistics including resistances have been scaled to represent this.

Unique maps have been removed from the requirements for completing the atlas, Their difficulty, Rarity and Rewards have been scaled up to reflect this, As with the global change to map bosses the unique map bosses have also been given special mods on equipment that can only be dropped from each unique map boss, Hall of the grandmasters is now a Tier 17 map and unlike the others features a chance at a special unique mod per each hall cleared.

We've updated the Shaped hideout to scale in size with the decorations placed within, this was made possible during the development of Synthesis League and the floating paper edges have been made optional decorations, The price of this hideout has been increased to reflect this change but all current owners will receive this upgrade at no charge.

Item Rarity and Item Quantity have been re-balanced, Item Rarity is now true to its name and affects Currency, Divination Cards, Weapons and Armour rarity where as Item Quantity remains mostly unchanged in its basic function but is now just like Rarity subject to diminishing returns, Item quantity has been re-enabled for all magic and rare items, Both of these attributes now scale more similar to how Critical Strike chance is handled and all mods have been balanced to be in line with each-other.

Might add more here when my brain recovers from turning into jello.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Jul 26, 2019, 11:39:01 AM
Last bumped on Sep 6, 2019, 12:48:35 PM
This thread has been automatically archived. Replies are disabled.
1. Pants! Heck yeah!
2. Backpacks for 2handed weapons other than bows 100x yeeah!
3. Food? Pls no.. feels tedious..
4. Loggin into hideout option added. Oh so many wanting this.
5. Harbinger orb drop normal rate added, just a 2x rarer than horizon orb.
6. Currency tab improved, at least like this:
Last edited by DarkJen on Jul 26, 2019, 1:29:03 PM
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

Right, hh was mentioned..
If I dont reply to you - I dont give a flying duck about your opinion

If you dont reply to me - I dont care either because I dont come back to see who replied to me

Right, hh was mentioned..

Some good ideas, but i laughed at mounts and food :D
DarkJen wrote:

6. Currency tab improved, at least like this:

I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
Marxone wrote:
DarkJen wrote:

6. Currency tab improved, at least like this:


And I feel like we kinda slowly moving to this..

Also Tabs in multiple rows needed badly too.

SilentSymphony has been hired to smoke weed all day actually read the official forums instead of reddit to forward good community driven ideas to our lord and savior Chris Wilson, He will also occasionally make coffee and eat your yogurt from the employee rec room.

You shouldnt Smoke Weed man combusting anything into your Lungs brings along with it long term problems. Take care of your Lungs bud..

Stick to Hash Oils my man. Much stronger, cleaner, and better for your overall health and well being. \m/

Oh and let me get some of those Guild Improvements please.

There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Sep 6, 2019, 10:45:34 AM
Gonna go through each of the points, but I do have to say I appreciate how nicely these are laid out. Proper grammar, many do sound like actual patch notes, and so on.

Bosses like Iceberg: The reason Iceberg's bosses can drop stuff with extra mods on them is because they are Mutewind warbands. They are special bosses as such. While I do think bosses need extra incentive to kill them beyond the +2 map chance, a special mod probably isn't the answer. Or maybe it'd work if there was a pool of mods? The mod could be determined by where on the atlas the map is a la atlas-only base items, or perhaps through other means. This idea could be worth looking at, especially if GGG wants to get away from crafting being the best option.

Spectres: Assuming you're talking about how various monster types seem to have cut abilities in the 10 Act storyline, sure. Seems reasonable.

Master Specialization: Let's see how the 3.8 changes to master missions go before we look much into this.

Guild ranks and premium stash tabs: I have a feeling this might be technically problematic for GGG to implement. But I do like the idea of a guild being able to do trading. It would need a lot of refining and tweaking such as considering where currency goes and all that, and there absolutely need to be logs of the items sold and what they were sold for.

Guild hideouts: Yes please. Though figuring out how to handle decorations is likely going to be the biggest issue. Is it a pool people can contribute to but not pull from (to avoid being able to trade MTX?) Trying to assign each decoration to a person and keep track of that would likely be a nightmare, plus it needs to make sure people can stow away decorations other people have placed just in case someone decides to grief with them by putting in a stupid amount of walls or something.

Skin transfers as MTX: HELL TO THE YES!

Post-league races: Eh, post-league not so much. Maybe weekend kinds of things. I'm hoping GGG can come up with a solution to their race issues by 4.0.

Labyrinth rewards: I think they definitely need tweaking, especially to combat one or two people always hoarding the Emperor jewels. Implementing a system that takes into account side areas and all that other stuff is going to be a monumental nightmare though.

Headhunter: Definitely a case of "the strong get stronger" and I can see a case for limiting the number of buffs active at a time. I don't see this happening though since GGG's stance is generally "unlimited unless it causes technical problems." Which sometimes Headhunter does, but not reliably enough for GGG to limit?

Divine Uniques: Once again, GGG doesn't like to place limits unless absolutely needed. But I do expect there will come a time where they want to put in something powerful and interesting but can't do it because of one of two other uniques, so making this category of item could be a solution.

Mounts: I suppose the main thing this would address is getting back into combat if you die or otherwise get put far away from combat. I'm not sold on it though.

Death recap: It would be incredibly nice to have this, but GGG has said it would be such a technical hassle to put in with the current combat situation that I really don't see it ever being added.

Sarn arena: Yeah, there definitely need to be changes made to this. I agree with everything here.

Ascendancy changes: Chieftain totem stuff is good and Hierophant's second totem does need to be added back in somehow. Or at least some sort of toggle to not summon the second totem. Occultist... Um, what? Do you mean returning the flat 150 ES on it? Then sure, or some other flat es. But if you meant bringing back Wicked Ward in its full glory... Maybe? The current keystone seems pretty reasonable. But I do think the Occultist could stand to be given back another notable since Wicked Ward was taken away with nothing offered instead.

Sigils: Maybe? I have a feeling GGG's upcoming changes to allow global + spell levels is going to cause more headaches than what it's trying to solve, so the idea might work. Might bring up more consideration for off-hands for all 2h though. Dunno.

Food: Pretty sure this is a joke here. Sure, Torchlight actually does fishing and has some buff options with that, but if the intent is to offer an alternative to flasks because flasks are kinda busted then the solution ought to be to fix flasks.

Trade NPCs: Not gonna happen. GGG's stance on trading is it absolutely must be player interaction, at last as far as PC goes.

Weed: lol

Blood Magic: Pretty sure you mean bringing back the old Mortal Conviction where it had 50% less mana reserved? The Blood Magic keystone itself hasn't changed in years. If so, while I do miss having the BM aura stacking, it admittedly did get a bit out of hand. The current state of auras and reservations is a bit of a mess right now though, and I know Jonathan has lamented on how BM mines with Mortal Conviction are going to be in a bad spot.

Focus Fire: Could be interesting

Female and male versions of all classes: We might be getting that in 4.0. Unsure if I'm okay with them not adding gender options because there is a point when saying "You're not just any duelist, you're THE Duelist" and such. It's basically like having a JRPG kind of system where you've got a premade character who has a specified role in the game compared to a Western RPG where the character is a blank slate. But then Diablo 3 shows up and just says "Here are the canon characters, but in the interest of giving options and also realizing your character isn't actually all that meaningful in the grand scheme of the game's story, we're also offering these other gender characters."

I'm kinda hoping GGG ends up being okay with character MTX in 4.0.

Pants: I do wish pants were a thing but the game is waaaaaaaaaaaay too set in its current scheme to handle them now.

Unique maps: This could be interesting. If they are to remain as annoyingly rare as they are then they should at least be given some reason for their rarity. But an alternate option is just increase their drop chance because it's absolutely stupid to have them so low for one-shot experiences.

Hall of Grand Masters: Needs to be removed from the Atlas, or at least not required for completion. I'm hesitant to make it a tier 17 map though, but the rewards of completing each hall could make it interesting like that.

Shaped Hideout expansion: Maybe? It does seem annoyingly small.

Item Rarity: If IR was changed to work on currency then the values would have to be drastically retuned. This one makes my head hurt with the implications.
-Rhoa dinner event comes back every last day of the league for several hours.
i d like to see this as a patch note.
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