Ouch - Supporter Pack Inflation

The base Supporter Packs up until recently for my Country (I just checked today) cost the sum of the 250pts that you received plus the equivalent cost of 50pts for the supporter swag. Now it's the 250pts plus 140pts. Talk about sticker shock! That is a 180% price hike on the Supporter Stuff. Well I guess it's probably back to buying bare points for me, and only when I need them - that sort of price increase just goes too much against my economic hard wiring for me to enable it. Oh well. (Unless it was unintended of course and is walked back.)
Formerly posted under AnExile_onthePath
Last bumped on Jun 24, 2019, 7:39:16 PM
walkjohn55 wrote:
The base Supporter Packs up until recently for my Country (I just checked today) cost the sum of the 250pts that you received plus the equivalent cost of 50pts for the supporter swag. Now it's the 250pts plus 140pts. Talk about sticker shock! That is a 180% price hike on the Supporter Stuff. Well I guess it's probably back to buying bare points for me, and only when I need them - that sort of price increase just goes too much against my economic hard wiring for me to enable it. Oh well. (Unless it was unintended of course and is walked back.)

Same here in NZ. Apparently it's Microsoft's decision in the way they calculate the different region's prices.

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