Voice Acting and Exiles

Hello, GGG and the PoE community!

Let me start off with saying that PoE's voice acting is incredible and always has been. Now, with that being said, I wanted to take a moment to address my opinions on the exiles.

From what I understand from a thread in the past with a staff response, voice acting for the exiles now largely requires an overhaul, unfortunately. The voice actors are unavailable and can no longer add to the overall story and opinions of the exiles after act 4.

While I know that this is minor and the team has a huge list of priorities, but I would love to see further additions to our characters. I've always wondered how the exiles would react to their return to Oriath. How they would feel about Kitava, Innocence, Sin, Nessa, and the gods returning to Wraeclast to name a few.

Even if it's one line, it was always fun hearing little bits of dialogue from the characters. It added depth that I've always appreciated.

Priorities currently are where they should be, but maybe consider this in the future, GGG.
Last bumped on Sep 27, 2019, 2:10:37 PM
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A bit of necromancy here, but I wanted to post the same thing so... +1.

The two characters I love the most are the Scion and the Witch, and a big part of it is their voice lines.

However past act 4 we never hear them anymore (besides the odd rare kill line), and that's really sad.

Please GGG, give the heroes their voice back!
Do you seriously think they don't consider the lack of character dialog in the last six acts a problem? Of course they do!

But yes, they have other priorities. Wait until 4.0 since that's the latest such changes will happen. They've already said they're working on redoing all character animations and such with new rigs, so it's a safe bet we'll see the characters reimagined with new voices too.

It's a matter of deciding when whole new things fit in, and redoing the characters themselves is something for a major expansion.
Perhaps PoE can use Google's Deepmind WaveNet.
WaveNet by Google DeepMind | Two Minute Papers #93 (youtube)

And after two years of improvement, this is the result.
Google's Text Reader AI: Almost Perfect | Two Minute Papers #228 (youtube)

For localization, GGG can use Google's Translatotron for different languages.
All Hail The Mighty Translatotron! (youtube - Two Minute Papers)

Disclaimer - I am not in any way connected with Two Minute Papers (youtube channel). I am but a humble subscriber and enjoy their videos, and would like to share. We are living in amazing times, but a borrowed one from our future AI overlords.

Filthy Casual Scrub.
"Belief is the strongest metal of them all." - Izaro

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