Divine ire channeling bug

When 3.6, If I move while channeling Divine ire, the beam is fired.

But, in 3.7 If I move while channeling, the beam is not fired.
Last bumped on Jun 11, 2019, 10:28:21 AM
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seconding this, clearly a bug with the new animation cancelling mechanics and divine ire. it feels really bad when trying to move around, you have to wait quite a bit so you actually fire.
It's not just using a movement skill that causes this. It's any form of skill queuing that does it. I believe this is because the beam is tied to the start of the ending animation, but since you can now cancel that animation, it doesn't fire a beam unless you slow down.

It really doesn't feel as good as it did during Synthesis and hopefully it can be fixed - unless this is intentional.
Thanks for your report, we'll look into this.
Last edited by Brucester959 on Jun 9, 2019, 11:09:31 PM
Yeah I just updated on PS4 and pretty much wish I had my skill reset back because I don't want to play divine ire again until it is addressed :/

EDIT: It makes aiming the beam a serious problem mostly, aside from being annoying.
Last edited by RubySydell on Jun 10, 2019, 10:17:07 PM
Requesting the most simple solution.

Let us toggle a check box on/off in the Options-UI menu.

That button is "Animation Cancelling".

Let us turn it off. Completely.

Problem solved for this small, specific issue that makes Divine Ire entirely unplayable as well as all the broken stuff you introduced last night in your patch.
Kyle_GGG wrote:
Thanks for your report, we'll look into this.

Thank you! Hopefully there will be a fix soon. Divine Ire feels really clunky now.
I totally jus posted about this myself in alittle more detail . Hope it gets fixed.

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