Not running a bunch of "a call to immortality" and "the Creation of spells upon receiving damage"

Not running a bunch of "a call to immortality" and "the Creation of spells upon receiving damage", a bunch there, but the ability can still be activated and it is not activated. Other enchantments activate and this one doesn't.
Last bumped on Apr 5, 2019, 10:06:18 PM
Ahh... gonna take a guess here: are you talking about immortal call not activating with cast when damage taken? If yes, then what are the gem levels? Cast when Damage Taken can only support skill gems requiring level equal or lower than its own.
Last edited by Zphyr on Apr 5, 2019, 1:36:27 PM
Zphyr wrote:
Ahh... gonna take a guess here: are you talking about immortal call not activating with cast when damage taken? If yes, then what are the gem levels? Cast when Damage Taken can only support skill gems requiring level equal or lower than its own.

Yes, I think the reason why is not working the activation for immortality in the fact that the level of immortality 5, activator 2. But disembodied blades level 11 quietly worked from the activator level 2.
Yes, that's why immortal call wasn't working.

Now this is a riddle... what in the name of damnation of "disembodied blades"? Ethereal Knives? If yes, then it is expected because at gem level 11 it has a requirement of level 36, which is below CWDT's required level 40.
Last edited by Zphyr on Apr 5, 2019, 10:06:30 PM

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