Just going to leave this here.

If you need 1 passive point that badly, stop dying and level up.
Thror2k5 wrote:
If you need 1 passive point that badly, stop dying and level up.

If that's your outlook, clearly you haven't realized you just posted in a thread that basically acknowledged that GGG 1) admits there is a problem, 2) tried to address the problem in 3.6, 3) admitted they got it wrong by making THIS POST, 4) clearly still hasn't gotten it right, based on reddit and subsequent forum feedback.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
The passive tree is what it is. I dont ever expect it to make everyone happy, the thing is GIGANTIC. play around in PoB, make the most optimal tree you can. If your build absolutely MUST HAVE 1 more passive point, so be it, get that extra level. Otherwise, plan a tree to 90 and enjoy the feeling of 'what can i do with these EXTRA passives i didnt expect to have'
You're officially killing the shadow vjjay? #riot
To Shadow or not to Shadow


Please revert, this is a serious nerf to anything that doesn't require the whole wheel. This is basically making me waste 3 extra points for Lethal Assault which isn't needed.

It wouldn't have been so bad if you had kept the connection Fang of the Viper and Blood drinker and Coldhearted Calculation and the Power charge, since most people need to path through there.

As it is, unless you need both, it screws you over, seriously bad change.

My proposition if we can't get the old back.
Last edited by Icemasta on Mar 7, 2019, 8:41:29 PM

Those links save you 1 point. If 1 point "screws you over" you're being way to picky.
Exile009 wrote:
I just now realized that you now lose a point if you just take Coldhearted Calculation or Fangs of the Viper notables and want to go to the attribute road instead of taking the nodes in the ring.
VolcanoElixir wrote:
Exile009 wrote:
I just now realized that you now lose a point if you just take Coldhearted Calculation or Fangs of the Viper notables and want to go to the attribute road instead of taking the nodes in the ring.

Kinda why I recommended relinking them back as per the screenshot I posted above, if you want half the wheel, it would allow to skip it for 1 skill point instead of wasting 2.

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