Do all Support Gems work with Summon Skills?
Hey there for the wipe i will be doing a new build. I plan on doing a Burning arrow Summoner Templar. The Burning arrow will be used mostly as a way to ignite every mob on fire while my summons are doing all the work and exploding. Templar is an obvious choice because of how well its set up to do a hybrid like this. Ill link my build at the bottom.
The Question I plan on using Minion Instability as a key point of the build. The gist of my question is do all the support gems work with summons. So i can put a chance to ignite, and increase area of effect on my summon zombie and it will translate to having bigger minion explosions and better chance of ignition? I plan on connecting all my summons with Increase area effect, chance to ignite, and Increase duration if that works with increasing the burn duration, and if increase duration doesn't work then minion life. The Build |
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Last I heard the increased AoE passives/gems did not effect MI. That may have changed.
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" Increased AoE will work for minion instability. " Chance to Ignite will not work on the instability explosion (yet) because the damage is just calculated and subtracted from nearby mobs' life- it is not typed as fire damage due to game engine limitations. Chance to Ignite will work if your support your minions with Added Fire Damage or Anger aura. Increased Duration will not work for extending burn duration, and neither would any burn-specific passives because those are affecting you, but not your minions. Duration would extend the time before skeletons vanish. Minion Life and Minion Damage supports would increase the explosion damage from instability. | |
"Lo4f is correct on all counts except here - Minion damage will increase the damage the minions deal with their attacks or spells, but will not (currently) affect minion instability, due to it not being actual damage (same reason chance to ignite won't work atm). Minion Life will increase the 'damage', since it's directly based on the minion's maximum life. Last edited by Mark_GGG#0000 on Mar 26, 2012, 11:07:39 PM
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Ok so i will be using Increased area, Minion Life, but i need one more support gem. Im guesing Increased Durration Wont work what about the Support gem that spreads burning procs? Its a blue support gem. Would that work with minion instability?
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Minion Instability cannot possibly cause burning, due to not actually dealing damage within the game engine, due to current limitations. Nothing which triggers on damage being dealt, including critical hits or elemental status effects, will occur from the explosions.
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You could go for something like Faster Attacks or just a basic Added Cold Damage.
I've never seen anyone try a minion/Conduit/aura build. Could be a lot of fun. Forum Sheriff
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That's because Conduit only applies to party members, your minions won't get anything out of it.
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" This. And I know this because I *have* seen someone try it. Imagine the disappointment. :) |
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From a lvl 68 minion bomber I suggest using increased aoe, increased life and increased quantity of items on your zombies.
By end game your zombies will be nothing more than walking bombs and increased quantity doesn't add to the cost of raising them. They'll die fast enough that adding to their damage isn't worth the added summoning cost. Buff your spectres for damage instead. I use greater multi projectiles, pierce and minion damage on my spectres and raise only ranged units. Take skeletons also, they're very handy for all sorts of reasons. I support mine with minion damage, added fire damage and faster attacks. They die really fast but you can rapidly swarm an entire room like spraying expanding foam into a crack. |
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