BUG - Dig Map spawning unconnected areas

The thread title is more of an inference based on the behaviour seen in-game.

Bug report # for reference - 860,838,441.

After fully clearing the map, the monster count still says more than 50 monsters remaining. Syndicate encounters don't spawn. In one instance (associated with the bug report # above), I had Zana's Anarchy mod active which should spawn 3 exiles. I killed only 2.

All this points to another area being generated but not connected to the main map.
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2019, 7:28:14 PM
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Same with me. Bug # 2,054,930,129
same here. Bug #2,638,397,998
same, bug #2,141,949,511

a bit hard to see, but there is a Beast up there to capture. Cannot reach that area. (No Betrayal mobs spawned here either)
Last edited by Khakhan on Jan 2, 2019, 1:34:06 PM
50 monsters left, no syndicate, map full cleared.

Bug 211,015,087
BUG: 4,232,920,960

Same issue. Dig Map, with Einhar. 50 monsters remaining, 3 Beast remaining. All map is revealed.
Bug: 3,984,262,906
50+ monsters, no syndicate.
Last edited by twinkoman on Jan 6, 2019, 5:07:02 AM
Same issue

Bug: 3,408,550,919

another example here 50 monsters, 3 Einhar's beasts, no syndicate on full cleared map
Last edited by unlag on Jan 6, 2019, 8:54:24 PM

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