Flatten the ground in the Glacial hideout

When masters were first released, it was extremely difficult to use any floor decorations in haku's hideout because anything placed down would clip into the sand. A short time thereafter, you guys fixed that by flattening the ground in his hideout. I've messed around in the glacial hideout and realized that there is very few spots to place the beautiful new floor decorations because 90% of it will clip into the snow. If you would flatten the floor in this hideout like you did haku's, I would be eternally grateful.
IGN: WeenieHuttSenior
US East
Last bumped on Dec 19, 2018, 11:16:33 AM
Coral Hideout has the same issue, especially in the "canyon" section.

Also worth pointing out that any hideout with baked in grass or other low lying vegetation, even as flat as in Unearthed Hideout pokes through any floor decoration and cannot be removed, but a fix for that is probably too much to ask for.

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