Marhax's "Cruelty Intended" Skeletal Hideout

Hey guys,

THANK YOU GGG for making these new Hideouts! love 'em!

This hideout took me about 15 hours to make.
still ON-going and I will be getting/buying more MS. such as sacrifice shrines for a more darker and gorish look at portal area.

you are WELCOME to contact me ingame for a quick lookie-lookie ;-)

(( Act 9 Ossuary Hideout (skeletal hideout)))

Micro's needed:
6 Bone and gore ( 6 x 60 pp)
3 Beast Egg ( 3 x 40 pp)
3 Beast eye (3 x 50 pp)
1 Makachai Heart (1 x 90 pp)
8 Sacrificial Shrine (8 x 30 pp)
1 Impaling Spike ( 1 x 15 pp)
1 Sin Cathedral Deco ( 1 x 60 pp)

Points: 360, 120, 150, 90, 240, 15, 60

LOTS of deco's from previus leagues.

VIDEO Showcase:



Hope you enjoy this horror-beast-infected Hideout! ;)

--- Any ideas, tips etc will be very appreciated! ----
Last edited by marhax#6458 on Dec 17, 2018, 5:20:45 PM
Last bumped on Dec 17, 2018, 5:14:34 PM

I saw it in action and it is one of the most beautiful HO I have ever seen!

Such details and everything fits!

Well done!

BTW... go get a hobby xDD
Wow it is amazing. How can I get this HO?:)
Mighty_fist wrote:
Wow it is amazing. How can I get this HO?:)

You need the Hideout.file I get when I export the hideout.

I've just "upgraded" the visuels a lot and its now a lot more expensive (since you need to buy the Deco's from the microtrancs to get the look I have) :)

I will be uploading the new pictures tonight/now :P
Mighty_fist wrote:
Wow it is amazing. How can I get this HO?:)

New uploads, check 'em out!

let me know if u still want this, ill make a list of the Deco's you need from Micro-trans :)
I would love to try and replicate your, could you upload the export file?
dsf000 wrote:
I would love to try and replicate your, could you upload the export file?

Hello dsf000,

I have added a pastebin link in the first post :-)

Enjoy mate !

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