6L shaped Wand with great stats - greatest magic weapon in the league?
Hi guys, i think i've found the most valuable thing i ever hold i nhands in poe.
The stats are great, is a 6L item with the right gems for most builds, provides access to use Kaom's heart for any mage build. Any guesses on the price of it? Last bumped on Dec 16, 2018, 8:27:55 PM
That's pretty damn good, but your craft is wrong for most casters. "attacks" are not spells, so something like Arc wont get the elemental penetration.
what it needs is :
socket spell triggered on skill use, that would be ridiculous. |
" sadly, that craft has a 5 second internal cooldown. So it's actually pretty meh. @OP - have you sold it or priced it, i am mildly interested. |