Multiple totems support gem bugged?

I have a Arc totem char as league starter, using multiple totems support gem with my spell totem, i have ancestral bond passive, and have pursuit of faith ascendancy passive and when i summon my spell totems i get 5 instead of 6, is this intended?

For good measure i have Ritual of awakening also, do they not stack/weird interaction that makes me spawn 5 totems only?

What stacks and what doesn't when it comes to number of totems?
Last edited by 666erazor666#4951 on Dec 10, 2018, 3:37:25 PM
Last bumped on Dec 10, 2018, 5:10:24 PM
You only get one totem out of hierophant.

Since your characters are private, not sure what setup you're referring to.

Default 1 max
Hierophant +1 (no longer +2)
Ancestral Bond +1
Gearing that add max totems (varies)

So a hiero will only have 3 total before the gem/gearing, same for scion with a similar setup, thus adding the gem to a setup without other bonuses only leads to 5 total.

You could throw in something like a soul mantle + tukohama shield, to get two more if you really wanted.

Edit - just to be clear, the nerf was removing the second max totem out of ritual, so when the old hierophant would naturally have 4 totems, you now can only get it back with gear or the multiple totem support gem.
Yep, totally over league play.
Last edited by SeCKSEgai#6175 on Dec 10, 2018, 4:04:33 PM
I'll try to explain it more clearly

1 totem standard - fine
1 totem ancestral bond - fine
Multiple totems support gem i summon 4 totems (2 totems spawn for each cast) - Fine

then i ran lab and got hierophant asc.
Hierophant adds another totem - now i summon 5 totems for some reason (all spell totems, no others at the moment)
Why not 6 spell totems? Since the gem doubles your totems.

(Ritual of awakening makes you also spawn 2 totems instead of one, so one could be under the impression that one would get 12 totems if everything stacked.)
Last edited by 666erazor666#4951 on Dec 10, 2018, 4:37:03 PM
You are mistaken that it "doubles" your max totems. You get two totems at once, but only +1 to your totem pool.

You get two totems at once, but only +1 to your totem pool.

On the gem it says this: Supported Skills have +2 to maximum number of Summoned Totems.
The gem doesn't double your totems, it adds two. By your own math you should have 5. Nothing is wrong.

I'll take "Swords" for two hundred Alex.
-Faux Sean Connery
From how i understand it:

it makes you spawn 2 "nerfed" totems instead of one, this holds true for the standard totem, and the ancestral bond one i got while leveling, but it doesnt spawn 2 for the totem that hierophat ascendancy adds.

or maybe *facepalm* "supported skills have +2 maximum of summoned totems. This is what went by me i guess :)
Last edited by 666erazor666#4951 on Dec 10, 2018, 5:01:21 PM
It doesnt double max totem count it just adds 2 and makes you get 2 totems with 1 cast.

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