Path of Exile: 3.5 and Beyond Predictions (Runeword Hype)

My prediction for a future expansion of POE. I really hope when they bring back harbinger 2.0 we will finally see the return of runewords to the aarpg genre. It's been one of the most beloved features of D2 that has yet to see a modern take.
Last edited by Bone_Queen#2834 on Nov 13, 2018, 1:11:50 AM
Last bumped on Nov 13, 2018, 2:23:58 PM
I haven't used a single runeword in diablo 2 (which I played A LOT) since runes always were way too rare to have any purpose.

hey, they got that part totally right in poe!
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
Last edited by LMTR14#6725 on Nov 13, 2018, 10:05:47 AM
You could attach rune sockets in the passive tree,
have a ascendancy type "tablet wheel" around the starting point where runes are placed in a certain order to grant players unseen unique perks and modifiers.

Each rune has stand alone values (which shouldn't be limited to keep it authentic), but combining them could create full words that change things dramatically.

Once placed into a socket you can move them around in the order,
but can't take them out to trade or sell.

You could have a three tier system that starts with rune slots 1-4 being free for all, 5-8 unlocks at lvl 40 and 9-12 lvl 70, to keep pvp "fair" or balance any other possible power creep issues.

You could forge the rune chain to modify gaps which would allow you to have 1 really long or multiple shorter runewords in synergy together.
All in all a nice alternative gear addon, I think GGG should look into this, but patch notes are in 6 hours, meaning the next year is planned out too so maybe we could get runewords in 2020 if we're lucky.


Even better idea...

Unlock 1 socket every 10 clvl, makes players look forward, gives them a nice boost, and also gives you real purpose to hit that lvl 90 and especially 100,
because the best words could be 10 runes long or a combination of any number of runewords that have a really strong synergy, but require the total sockets to add up to 10 or at least 9, like 2+8, 3+7, 4+6 etc.

Really LOTS of potential for some fun and exciting new and different theory building, depending on what prefix/suffix mods and other properties you decide to give runes. You could have unique runes, end game runes that can be only crafted via vaal corruptions, secret vendor recipe combos...
And the words could literally have propterties similar to full unique items.

I'd vote +1 for runes asap.
Last edited by DudeTheLegend#5236 on Nov 13, 2018, 10:47:55 AM
If they put in runes, what would u like to gain from them? More damage? We already getting millions of dps.... Or speed? I think we already can zoom through maps fast enough... So if they would add runes I would like to c some tougher enemies, not just something that vaporise in 1/2 sec and I won’t even know what it was;) Mayb they could drop in deep delves so u can push deeper and deeper?
"There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed... "

I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off!
good god that actually sounds really good. would be a sweet addition
PANTS confirmed !

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