poe.trade Search Manager [Chrome Extension]
I've been teaching myself some coding skills so I can switch careers and thought I might be able to put said skills to good use to make myself slightly less bad at Path of Exile. I have successfully made a thing, though my terribleness at PoE has remained unchanged. As the title suggests, it's an extension for Chrome and basically functions as a bookmark manager. Data is saved to the account you're logged into on Chrome and thus can accessed across devices. Currently, though, you will lose all your data if you uninstall the extension. I think using the extension is pretty simple and intuitive but if you'd like some direction: The extension has two parts. The main piece is a popup menu pictured below that can be accessed from the icon on the top right. The popup menu is where you can create and delete profiles and load the links you've saved. Create a profile by typing the name and pressing Enter. You'll need a profile before the other half of the extension will work so be sure to start here. ![]() The other part of the extension adds two buttons to the top right of poe.trade--"New" and "Save". "New" will return you to poe.trade for a new search while "Save" will create a dialog box to save the current URL under a few different options: * Input a name to add a new entry to the selected profile * Select an existing link and do not input a name to update its URL * Select existing link and give a new name to update the URL under a new name ![]() That's pretty much all there is to it. It's a simple extension but so far it's been working pretty well for me. The biggest known issue is if you input a long name, the format gets a little wonky. It'll all still work but it gets pretty ugly. You can find it on the Chrome store here (if you don't see it, give it an hour and refresh): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/poe-search-manager/ggmoddfdhecpfefhplkbgbgblmmnbhgm Last edited by Shamshire#1351 on Oct 8, 2018, 6:23:34 PM Last bumped on Oct 8, 2018, 6:21:05 PM
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