[3.7] Pentacodex build list
These are all pentacodex league builds
These builds are simply posted with their POB And meant for experienced PoE players not for newbies. I've made over 40/50 builds but will only post the yet intact / complete builds Unfortunately im unable to put a leveling guide up for ALL of the builds Leveling items
Reccommended leveling guide:
Use: Goldrim (use this on any build till endgame) Tabula Rasa (use this on any build till endgame) Wanderlust (Use this on any build till endgame) Wurm's Molt (Nice okay-ish belt for sunder leveling) The Screaming Eagle x 2 (for sunder leveling) Blackheart x 2 (for melee builds) Sidhebreath (for minions) Brightbeak (for melee builds) Belt of the Deceiver (melee buildS) Violent Dead (minion leveling build) 2x The Gull (nice buffing helmet) FOR JEWELS CHECK THE POB OF THE ASSOCIATED BUILD! SO YOU HAVE AN IDEA Synthesis build list!
Shadow builds
A generic autobomber. POB
https://pastebin.com/ySTzcdaH The gear
important notes always read these
A generic autobomber. Please note that you can level this build just like cutedog_ explains in his video (which is expensive) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAx4oDAM4io This is a speedclear build. The helmet is mandatory if you can afford it. Good budget version is tempest binding I use haste instead of hatred with onslaught on kill watcher's eye for more clear Hatred + watcher's eye hatred jewel is a overkill that does not feel nessesary if you can afford it socket hatred in the ring with watcher's eye increased crit strike chance while affected by hatred. Zeel's amplifier is way better than a esh mirror. We already one shot t16+ maps so.... The aoe makes the chain insane! U can use rare boots instead of goldwyrm MANDATORY DAMAGE LEECHED AS LIFE AND MANA IF YOU'VE KILLED RECENTLY. enchants best to worse herald of ice damage Herald of thunder damage VD MINER
Volatile dead miner NOT-league starter friendly / All content viable one shot elder etc. dmg is on ele hit level with less investment POB
https://pastebin.com/GbQC9ZqJ The gear
The centerpiece of the build, without it nothing would really work. A 5- or 6-linked The Beast Fur Shawl is needed because of 2 reasons: 1.) We need high enough mana costs so we can trigger our spells. Since the damage threshold for a Lv. 1 Cast when Damage Taken is 528, we need to deal that much damage to ourselves per cast. Because of that the minimum amount of mana our mines are allowed to cost is 126 (x4 from Scold's Bridle and x1.05 from the 5% increased damage taken mod from The Beast Fur Shawl). This also means that the Volatile Dead skill gem has to be high enough level! 2.) The second reason is the 40% increased energy shield recovery rate mod. This applies to all our regeneration from the Ascendancy, the Passive Tree and items. This helps alot to counteract the 1408 to 2047 damage per second we deal to ourselves (depending on gem level, mine laying speed and choice of Ascendancy). The Voidbringer gloves are needed* because of the same reason we need at least a 5-link: to get our mana cost high enough. Try to get a low as possible roll on the "increased mana cost of Skills roll (preffered 40%) so you don't have too much problems sustaining mana and ES. *Note: The Saboteur ascendancy gives us 25% reduced Mana Cost of Skills that place Mines or throw Traps which is the reason for the Voidbringer requirement. The Saboteur node from the Scion ascendancy doesn't have this effect. The resulting mana costs of a Scion 6-link are roughly equal to a Saboteur 6-link with Voidbringer and fit the requirements. This makes the Scion a good alternative option. Watcher's eye with 29%+ mana recovery while affected by clarity is a must (maximum energy shield regen per second while affected by discipline is 2nd important NOT MANDATORY) Atziri's foible (crazy mana regen) At least 2 of these 3 items are required to keep up with the extreme mana costs of the build. We need to regenerate about 322 to 487 mana per second (again depending on gem level, mine laying speed and choice of Ascendancy). Note that for the boots only the enchant is important, you can play any other boots too. For the Watcher's Eye the important mod is the increased mana recovery rate while affected by Clarity. In my case I use the boot enchant and the Watcher's Eye and a rare amulet with master crafted increased mana regeneration rate. The boot enchant also helps alot with counteracting the self damage because it counts as a hit and activates the effect. More important notes please read
Regeneration Since the damage we deal to ourselves is a fixed amount, and our regeneration is apart from Stone Golem a percentage of our maximum energy shield, having more ES gives us more regeneration too. This means we want as much ES as possible on our gear. I recommend to get to atleast 6000 ES. Since even our movement skill damages us, we cant rely on ES recharge. For that reason getting as much regen as possible is key to surviving. If you only get enough to counteract the 1408-2047 self damage you will be very vulnerable as soon as you take damage from any other source. Self damage Because we need to deal at least 528 self damage per cast it is important that we not only manage our mana cost accordingly, but also avoid too much physical damage mitigation. This means that Armour and any other mitigation from gear and flasks should be avoided (Pantheons are mostly ok). If your mana cost is high enough you can have a small amount physical mitigation, for example from the Pantheon, to mitigate a little of the self damage. Corpse Generation We place 3 mines with each cast, which each spawn 3 volatiles. This means we have to create 9 corpses per cast. This is not possible to sustain because of the charge/cooldown mechanic from the Desecrate skill, unless you were to play a staff with a 5-link Cast when Damage Taken Unearth setup with an additional Volley Support gem. In that case we would have to sacrifice the shield slot which is in my opinion too valuable for defences. But that's up to you. For that same reason the Volatile Dead destroys up to 1 additional corpse helmet enchant is not a damage upgrade. BETRAYAL LEAGUE BUILDS Check all builds below!
Paradoxica Double strike impaler https://pastebin.com/W6Wu4tns Gear: 10/15 EX ish Upgrade to : Abyssus at level 85+ possible to do guardians Few things to note! Get at least 1 jewel with lightning damage to attacks so we can shock The shaper ring can be replaced with a shaper steel ring if you can afford it Also a taste of hate for the diamond flask can be an option for elder/shaper fights Replace the portal gem in paradoxica for a purity of ice when fighting elder/shaper - Need to keep fortify up with whirling blades during bosses - Build shines at level 80 with all gear Ascendancy: Conqueror Worthy Foe Unstoppable Hero Master of Metal Witch:
Build guide https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2287247 Auto Spidermancer https://pastebin.com/V0RC1cSA This build must have all skills and items as described or the build wont work Jewels : you need at least 1 jewel with minions blind on hit and minions taunt on hit important jewel stats in order CAREFULL PLANNING JEWEL IS A MUST YOU WILL MISS DEX ALOT - Abyss jewel - Life - Phys dmg to minions - atk speed to minions - movement speed to minions - missing res Malachai's vision DOT vortex + vaal cold snap occultist ES ON BLOCK! (shield)
https://pastebin.com/Jz9sa2sR Level it as any witch caster start using vortex and vaal cold snap asap. Take all life nodes u come across spec into energy shield ENDGAME. Gear: Read the HELMET! Everything NEEDS to be corrupted. I crafted and corrupted everything myself A +2 duration chestplate is good This build can facetank every guardian every boss and is my betrayal bosskiller Enjoy meme build LUL 20/25ex ish Scion:
CoC Cyclone/BF: https://pastebin.com/3y4bG7Tw Leveling guide:
This are tips Im testing while leveling. I started with this build and feel pretty strong, early lvls included. I always changed to CoC very soon in the past so Im lvl 43 and can CoC perfectly without the ascendancy. Follow this tree below untill COC (38) then swap to main tree POB https://pastebin.com/ftvtnWNc Basically I have taken life, crit and power charges as fast as possible, skipping the rest. Double curse is a must for now. Gear is fully based on crit to allow the build to work at these levels. My gear: Don't forget to blasphemy warlords mark and assassins mark after your assassin ascendancy you can drop assassins mark entirely The idea is to be able to play the build from the beginning without having to invest in it now and then dont need many respect points. I tested it with the sindicante at this levels and is very viable, you can start CoCing at 38 for sure if you want. Until this level I took two claws with: Frost Blades Ancestral call Onslaught/Faster Attack/Multistrike Melee Physical Dmg Elemental Dmg with Attacks Added Cold Dmg Gear: Ranger
Vaal storm call pathfinder Read important notes! or fail the build https://pastebin.com/iGRwhjE2 Gear: Important notes! Flask effect duration is mandatory mechanic for this build. Things you NEED TO HAVE: - 40% reduced cost of vaal skills staff or 2 daggers with 20% reduced cost of vaal skills (staff cheaper imo better aswell) - MAX rolled soul catcher flask with 40% reduced soul gain prevention is all that matters - Conquer's potency jewel - Alchemist keystone and Druidic rite - Pathfinder ascendancy OPTIONAL = A BELT WITH at least 12% Increased effect of flask on you craft Also optional is intuitive leap with cannot be inflicted with corrupted blood , if you have the 2/3ex for it BUY IT you dont utilize a staunching flask in this build because you outleech NORMAL bleed but not corrupted bleed (from breach monsters as example u will die) This happends like 1/10 runs Why all this? QOL (quality of life) 6 Vaal storm call stacks instead of 4 LESS DURATION IS VERY IMPORTANT BECAUSE VSC STRIKES FASTER WITHIN THE SECONDS ITS ACTIVE! 10/15 ex build. Delve league builds:
Poet's pen indigon endgame farmer lvl 75 shaper/guardians/elder/uber elder down THIS BUILD IS DEAD SINCE THE POETS PEN CHANGES/NERF DONT PLAY THIS https://pastebin.com/qXEpG2Qs Gear: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CWDT T15 Mapper Elementalist https://pastebin.com/idhYirEJ Gear: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aurabot Dominating blow build Uber elder farmer https://pastebin.com/SNMKjrLH Gear: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Endless delver (lvl 70 required) https://pastebin.com/AG7SRNkx Gear: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Templar builds:
Arc mjolner autobomber (Charged dash for bossing T15 Viable) https://pastebin.com/4U9v0XhV Gear: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aurabot Dominating blow build Uber elder farmer https://pastebin.com/SNMKjrLH Gear: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Poet's pen indigon endgame farmer lvl 75 shaper/guardians/elder/uber elder down EXPENSIVE CHECK ENTIRE POB FIRST! https://pastebin.com/qXEpG2Qs Gear: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marauder builds
Uber elder farmer Only build intact (least played class) https://pastebin.com/CbxfiumV Gear: Duelist:
Squishy one shot map (skipp boss) BUDGET flicker strike https://pastebin.com/piyxxYfU Gear: Belt:? Stygian vise with dmg and life jewel missing res more life on belt etc ya get it Scion:
11AS Ground slam slayer/marauder (Endgame viable all content) https://pastebin.com/AgkCUdBc Gear: Ranger:
Mf windripper THE RIGHT VERSION: https://pastebin.com/RN4pSnXp Gear: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Endless delver (lvl 70 required) https://pastebin.com/AG7SRNkx Gear: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Witch:
CWDT T15 Mapper Elementalist https://pastebin.com/idhYirEJ Gear: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elementalist autobomber with Blade flurry ele conversion (super broken build) https://pastebin.com/c1zKgcMu Gear: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death's oath https://pastebin.com/dWG7H6vd Gear: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow:
ALL DEAD :C Last edited by Pentacodex#3814 on Jun 7, 2019, 3:25:39 PM Last bumped on Jan 15, 2019, 3:35:05 AM
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John 14:6
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. |
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These are some very fun looking builds!
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" Thanks! If you have any questions about any build let me know! I update this build list almost weekly! Good luck exile. |
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