New ACG with POE-like Elements

We loved the Pathfinder ACG as our weekly game, but they weren't printing new sets fast enough.... So we built our own.

While I was working on my game designs, I noticed some POE concepts leaking through.... I wound up using the affix system (Twists) in an ACG, and incorporating the theme of dark magic used to twist creation into more powerful and unstable forms into the storyline. I even made a few POE-like unique items with drawbacks, like Simplicity.

After playtesting it for the last year, we're ready to publish it! To launch, we're using Kickstarter:

Last edited by Arrataz#0324 on Sep 17, 2018, 5:51:18 PM
Last bumped on Sep 29, 2018, 7:26:20 AM
One new mechanic is dual-type cards:


Dual type cards count as either type when played and can be stocked as either type in your deck, giving you some flexibility. In the box, they always go in the primary type's stack. So this would be an armor in the box, but an armor and an item everywhere else, and can be stocked as either when building a character's deck.
Last edited by Arrataz#0324 on Sep 17, 2018, 5:51:35 PM
Today's mechanic: Trophies (YouTube)

Trophies give you a way to mark significant tasks during the scenario, but they also give you a resource that can be used to fuel some powers and cards.


Ever see a creature with a "Before you Act" ability and wish you could just shoot it first and ignore all that nonsense?

Or maybe kill it with fire?

Last edited by Arrataz#0324 on Sep 18, 2018, 4:27:52 PM
Companions are a new type of ally in The Amaranth Expedition. Most of them stick around to help unless you use them to explore. But be careful with them, they're irreplaceable....


New update: Campaign Manifest
Last edited by Arrataz#0324 on Sep 20, 2018, 10:28:29 PM
Companions! Unique irreplaceable allies that gain experience through the campaign, just like players do:[\url]



We wanted to do something interesting with helmets to make them worth running over body armors, and the display + handsize was the result.

Check out more at
Today's update highlights changes to the spell mechanics that we made to smooth out some bumps in the game:
Daily updates have continued on kickstarter, but today's was a big one:

A full demo scenario with 3 character decks to try out the mechanic(print and play download).
Last edited by Arrataz#0324 on Sep 29, 2018, 7:26:52 AM

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