Soul mantle remove applied curse

Dear GGG I have problem. When I use Soul mantle and have curse, when my totem die ( or I summon other one) some of my curse are removed before time duration is runing out. Before patch, I can have 10 curses on my character now is possible only 6 and for very short time, less then 1 sec. I use Wheel of the stormsail and curse (lvl 20) on me should have 20 sec duration. In path notes isn't any iformation about change in curses or soul mantle mechanic. Please for quick respond. Silvius
Last bumped on Sep 2, 2018, 2:19:07 PM
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Also having this issue. Curses vanish before their duration is over seemingly without cause when a totem dies.
I belive it's tied to Temporal Chain curse limit bug.

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