Barrels sextant locking up/crashing the game
Running Shaped Courthouse Map if I roll the barrels sextant on there after a bit my client freezes as if the game just paused in time and then everything fast forwards again, usually resulting in a death or d/c.
I have double inspired learning, no headhunter, playing wander with new mtx. If I get beyond on there it is almost guaranteed to happen, perhaps too many calculations with the rare buffs taken. But I've done a bunch of double beyond and no client freeze. I've tried on both lockstep and predictive, predictive is even worse the whole thing locks up and just crashes the instance completely. I have never in the history of me playing had this happen, and I've checked my internet its very solid. I stream while playing and I get no dropped frames. I stopped streaming and it still happens. Here is a clip of it happening on stream, sorry for language. Here is a youtube clip of most of the map and here is a screen shot of the mods on the map Last bumped on Jul 30, 2018, 8:48:34 AM
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I can confirm this. With me it was Shaped Mesa map.
This happens regularly for me on Elder Haunted Mansion.
Always when rolling the parasite version of the Mysterious Barrels sextant, and always in the open areas of the map. |