[3.11] Ice CRASH IT ALL Juggernaut * beginner & budget friendly! tank with high dps!

Guide not updated!
PoB for 3.20: https://pastebin.com/xtqx5Eh7

Hi guys,
this is my Ice CRASH IT ALL Juggernaut build guide. I reached level 94 in the incursion league and melting endgame content atm. The build can reach about 1,5 - 2,5m Shaper dps and is still pretty tanky because of the Juggernaut Ascendancy and other defense mechanics we can reach high physical damage reduction. The build also freezes nearly everything because of heavy hits with cold damage.

For more Path of Exile Guides, Builds and Gameplay please also visit my YouTube Channel! I really would appriciate it if you could subscribe and like my videos!

Here you can find a list of my other build guides: MORE BUILD GUIDES

Don't hesitate to ask any questions in the comments below, please no PM's! I cannot answer every question so please be so kind to help out each other! Thanks you!

Latest Updates (17.06.2020)
> The basics of this build have not changed to much since my last rework in 3.9 but with 3.11 the introduced "slam" as new skilltype and buffed Ice Crash a lot. The physical damage is 100% converted to cold - so the Hrimsorrow gloves are no longer necessary.
> Slam skills: can use Fist of War support which should be pretty strong. Maybe even Shockwave support is an option after the buffs.

Berserker Version
I also made a Berserker version which is not much different then the Jugg-Version. With Berserker you will do more damage but be less tanky. For the Berserker version check out the PoB file. Important is that you need a bit accuracy rating which you get from Juggernaut ascendancy.

Check out my league starter video for 3.7:
Starter Builds 3.7

Video: How to create & improve builds with Path of Building!

Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/YGazmadU (3.11)

>>> NEW VIDEO BUILD Guide <<<
Video: Shaper Guardians

I will update the guide while progressing with this build! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them in this thread, please no PM's! Thanks

Pro's and Con's
+ Tanky (resistance cap 78%, 6K life, freeze&stun nearly everything, high phy. damage reduction)
+ High dps (about 1,5 - 2,5m shaper dps are possible)
+ Melts bosses
+ Fast movement speed
+ budget & beginner friendly
+ easy and fun playstyle
+ Immune to stun, freeze, chill, temporal chains,...

- elemental reflection map mode can't be done
- clear speed is fast but could be faster

Gear & Skills:

(Please check out the spoiler "Skills" for updated skill gems.)

Gear options

Main hand weapon:
> Doryani's Catalyst: I guess bis for this build, get a doryani's with high attack speed, dps and elemental damage.
> Frostbreath: a good budget friendly weapon with great synergies.
> Rare Mace: High aps and dps.

Body armour:
> Loreweave: is actually the option I wanna go with because it gives the best dps of all chest and elemental damage resistance cap of 78% is just crazy good.
> The Brass Dome: crazy good defensive option. In combination with Unbreakable you will get really tanky.
> Rare Chest: with high life and resistances

> Starkonja's Head: is good alternative and will gives your more survivability.
> Rare Helmet: with high life and resistances
> Abyssus: is just crazy good for dps. It increases dps by at least 1/4 to other options. I would only use this helmet for some special fights like Shaper where physical damage does not matter too much.

The best option as helmet entchantment is "% of physical ice crash damage gained as extra...", then "Ice Crash Damage" and then "Ice Crash Area".

> The Pandemonius: Very good amulett for dps and also defense because it gives us more or less a 100% to chill & blind enemies. Don't use this in combination with Kaom's Roots because otherwise blind would be useless.
> Yoke of Suffering: great amulett for this build gives crazy amount of dps because it allows us to shock enemies with our cold damage.
> A rare amulett with high life, resistances, and good offensive mods like crit multipliers or "... gained as extra..."

> Rare rings: high life and resistances.
> Mark of the elder: in combination with a shaper ring the best option for dps.

> Rare Gloves: high life, resistances, melee phy. damage, attack speed

> Stygian Vise: a stygian vise with high life and resistances is best in slot.

> Kaom's Roots: great boost to life and make us immune to stun, chill, freeze and temporal chains.
> Rare boots: high life, resistances and movement speed.


There are a few options for anointments for this build:
Bludgeaon Blitz
Divine Judgement
Primeval Force

Or just some of the major juice life nodes.


> Life Flask with anti bleeding
> Diamond Flask: great boost to dps
> Sulphur Flask: boost to dps and survivability
> Atziri's Promise: boost to dps and sustain
> Lion's Roar: great for survivability and gives a massive boost to dps
> Quicksilver Flask: is a great option for faster clear speed
> Taste of Hate: also a great option for dps and survivability
> The Wise Oak: also very strong for both dps and survivability.


Ice Crash:
Ice Crash > Elemental Damage with Attacks > Ruthless > Fortify > Pulverise > Multistrike / Melee Physical Damage / Concentrated Effect / Increased Area of Effect / Inspiration

(Atm I am not 100% sure what the perfect setup is because it seems that Multistrike is needed for AS but sometimes does not work proberly. According to PoB Conc.Effect is the support with the most dps gain.)

Leap Slam > Faster Attacks > Vaal Ancestral Warchief

Cast When Damage Taken:
CWDT (1) > Frost Bomb (10) / Wave of Conviction (7) > Enfeeble > Summon Holy Relic (10)
CWDT (20) > Summon Ice Golem (20) > Molten Shell (20)

Utility & Mana Reservation:
Herald of Purity
Blood and Sand
Vaal Haste (Don't use normal "Haste" because we need the mana reservation for Hatred and one Herald)
Blood Rage
Enduring or Seismic Cry
Vaal Ancestral Warchief

Ascendancy, Skill Tree, Pantheon & Bandits:
Ascendancy Juggernaut:
1) Undeniable
2) Unflinching
3) Unbreakable
4) Unyielding / Unstoppable

(If you decide to go with rare boots instead of Kaom's Roots I would go with Unstoppable instead of Unyielding.)

Skill Tree:
New Skill Tree Version 3.9

> Soul of Solaris
> Soul of Tukohama

Bandits: kill them all for two points!


I started leveling with ground slam until I got Ice Crash with level 28. Try to get all gems shown in the "Skills" section as soon as possible and try to make the setups work as fast as possible. Also make the first lab as soon as possible because this is extremly powerful for leveling and will increase your speed a lot.

The ancestral protector totems helps a lot with single target. Early on I would recommend to use clarity for mana sustain and as soon as you get Herald's use them.

Leveling Flask Setup:
2 x Life Flasks
2 x Quicksilver Flasks
1 x Mana Flask

Use leveling items like Tabula Rasa, Wanderlust, Thief's Tourment or Meginord belt. For mainhand I would go with
Brightbeak (level 20) > Frostbreath (level 50) > Doryani's Catalyst (level 75)
For offhand I would recommend following uniques:
The Tempestous Steel (20) > Prismatic Eclipse (level 53)

Skill Tree's:
Please do not follow this skill tree step by step. If you feel to weak go for some life nodes, if you don't have enough damage take some damage nodes or if you cannot sustain your mana go for the leech nodes in the Duelist area.

Guide is up to date!
[3.2] Bashtart's Spark Inquisitor: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1838569
[3.2] Oni-Goroshi Frost Blades Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077486
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Dec 18, 2022, 2:29:06 AM
Last bumped on Jan 8, 2023, 9:05:38 PM
[3.2] Bashtart's Spark Inquisitor: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1838569
[3.2] Oni-Goroshi Frost Blades Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077486
How would you improve it more? In what order
Loving the build so far. Only at L65 atm - having a hard time letting go of thief's torment. Is mana leech sustainable at higher levels or should I get some mana and life gained on hit rings.

An updated passive skill tree would be awesome.

Thanks for the build guide!

Edit: I have a 6L Loreweave... is that viable for this build?

Edit 2: hmm... I also have a 6L Inpulsa from a build I am no longer playing... that would go nicely with that yoke amulet..

Would you use Loreweave or Inpulsa's?
Last edited by diablomix#4350 on Jul 24, 2018, 6:35:37 PM
diablomix wrote:
Loving the build so far. Only at L65 atm - having a hard time letting go of thief's torment. Is mana leech sustainable at higher levels or should I get some mana and life gained on hit rings.

An updated passive skill tree would be awesome.

Thanks for the build guide!

Edit: I have a 6L Loreweave... is that viable for this build?

Edit 2: hmm... I also have a 6L Inpulsa from a build I am no longer playing... that would go nicely with that yoke amulet..

Would you use Loreweave or Inpulsa's?

Last league there were a lot of builds that kept Thief's Torment through the endgame. I have and never had any problems. So i'd say it's viable. Just up to preference.

If you check out his character profile he switched to Inpulsa.
Bubbaritter wrote:
How would you improve it more? In what order

Not sure what exactly you mean but in the Path of Building File you see the final skill tree and build.

GoldenGoblet wrote:
diablomix wrote:
Loving the build so far. Only at L65 atm - having a hard time letting go of thief's torment. Is mana leech sustainable at higher levels or should I get some mana and life gained on hit rings.

An updated passive skill tree would be awesome.

Thanks for the build guide!

Edit: I have a 6L Loreweave... is that viable for this build?

Edit 2: hmm... I also have a 6L Inpulsa from a build I am no longer playing... that would go nicely with that yoke amulet..

Would you use Loreweave or Inpulsa's?

Last league there were a lot of builds that kept Thief's Torment through the endgame. I have and never had any problems. So i'd say it's viable. Just up to preference.

If you check out his character profile he switched to Inpulsa.

Hi there,
you can drop thief's tourment as soon as you spec into the leech nodes in the Duelist area... btw. I updated to skill tree it is now for level 88.

Body armour options:
The Brass Dome: crazy good defensive option. In combination with Unbreakable you will get really tanky.
Inpulsa's Broken Heart: I testing this chest atm and it gives a big boost to dps and clear speed. I guess the best option for clear speed.
Loreweave: is actually the option I wanna go with because it gives the best dps of all chest and elemental damage resistance cap of 80% is just crazy good.

With Loreweave and Inpulsa's I would spec out of Unbreakable and go with Unrelenting instead.
[3.2] Bashtart's Spark Inquisitor: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1838569
[3.2] Oni-Goroshi Frost Blades Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077486
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Jul 25, 2018, 1:19:26 AM
bashtart wrote:
Bubbaritter wrote:
How would you improve it more? In what order

Not sure what exactly you mean but in the Path of Building File you see the final skill tree and build.

GoldenGoblet wrote:
diablomix wrote:
Loving the build so far. Only at L65 atm - having a hard time letting go of thief's torment. Is mana leech sustainable at higher levels or should I get some mana and life gained on hit rings.

An updated passive skill tree would be awesome.

Thanks for the build guide!

Edit: I have a 6L Loreweave... is that viable for this build?

Edit 2: hmm... I also have a 6L Inpulsa from a build I am no longer playing... that would go nicely with that yoke amulet..

Would you use Loreweave or Inpulsa's?

Last league there were a lot of builds that kept Thief's Torment through the endgame. I have and never had any problems. So i'd say it's viable. Just up to preference.

If you check out his character profile he switched to Inpulsa.

Hi there,
you can drop thief's tourment as soon as you spec into the leech nodes in the Duelist area... btw. I updated to skill tree it is now for level 88.

Body armour options:
The Brass Dome: crazy good defensive option. In combination with Unbreakable you will get really tanky.
Inpulsa's Broken Heart: I testing this chest atm and it gives a big boost to dps and clear speed. I guess the best option for clear speed.
Loreweave: is actually the option I wanna go with because it gives the best dps of all chest and elemental damage resistance cap of 80% is just crazy good.

With Loreweave and Inpulsa's I would spec out of Unbreakable and go with Unrelenting instead.

Thank you for the thorough response and keeping us updated on the build!
can i play it for the upcoming flashback league?
SavitarGodSpeed wrote:
can i play it for the upcoming flashback league?

Yeah sure should be a good starter. I added a bit of leveling advise in the guide. Have fun!
[3.2] Bashtart's Spark Inquisitor: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1838569
[3.2] Oni-Goroshi Frost Blades Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077486
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Jul 26, 2018, 4:26:06 PM
Guide is now up to date! I reached level 93 without many problems... died like 14time up to now but most it could have been avoided. According to Path of Building my char has reached abotu 1,5 - 2m shaper dps, 6K life, about 80% resistances capped, high physical damage reduction and is really tanky. I will soon do the endgame and make a full video guide!
[3.2] Bashtart's Spark Inquisitor: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1838569
[3.2] Oni-Goroshi Frost Blades Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2077486
Last edited by bashtart#2403 on Jul 28, 2018, 8:07:23 AM

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