[3.3] CI HoWA ⚡Lightning Strike⚡ By Paige - Guardians/Shaper | Curse Immune | Tri Curse | Off Meta

Build Highlights:

  • Occultist = Free stun immunity, EZ Triple curse, ignore Hexproof, recharge ES in combat
  • Uber Lab with your eyes closed
  • Tons of room for extra ES nodes if you so desire
  • 25% Less elemental damage taken, thanks to Incandescent Heart
  • Farm all Guardians & Shaper deathless, great currency farmer
  • Insta clear Incursions with 30+ seconds remaining.
  • Can run most map mods, I don't recommend trying ele reflect, however
  • Lots of room for gear progression, this build will keep you busy for a long while
  • 2.5mil+ Shaper DPS


Q: I can't afford Atziri's Reflection! What do I do?

A: That's totally fine. You can run with a basic ES & Resistance rare shield, or even dual wield HoWA's.

Q: Will you add a leveling guide?

A: Eventually, my least favorite thing writing up, are leveling guides, so possibly over the weekend I will work on one.

bulsara wrote:
oh yeah im enjoying with this build

Path of Building
Please check the "Notes" section in Path of Building!



Note: The only required item is Hand of Wisdom and Action. However I recommend an Incandescent Heart, this will provide you with a large DPS and defense boost.

My Gear




Ideally you want as high Int and Dex rolls as possible, and a 30% Elemental Damage with Attack Skills roll.

If you're funded and can afford a corrupted version, pick up one with Power Charge on Crit. Ideally you run with Frenzy Charge on Kill and Power Charge on Crit via a double corruption.


Shield/Off Hand

Atziri's Reflection is not required to make this build viable. It's personal preference, however, it is very nice to have.

You can run with a high ES & Resistance rare shield, or a second Hand of Wisdom and Action if you'd like.


Body Armor

An Incandescent Heart is not required, however I strongly suggest you running it. They are dirt cheap compared to anything else and provide us with a large DPS and defense boost.

You can also run with a rare ES chest, possibly some shaped mods "% ES on Kill" comes to mind, or some other unique chest that you desire.



Gearing for our helmet slot is fairly straight forward, you'll be looking to fill in any missing resistances you may have, a high roll of Intelligence and as high ES as you can possibly find.



Rings can be a little more complicated. You'll want to be looking for a high ES roll, resists & a high Intelligence roll. Ideally your ring will also have a high Lightning damage to attacks roll and maybe even some Increased Elemental Damage to Attacks.

You may also want to run a ring with a Curse on Hit mod, Assassin's Mark is nice, or even Poacher's Mark. Warlord's Mark could be ok for Endurance Charge generation as well.



Astrmentis is the best in slot amulet for this build. Besides the obvious insane attribute stacking this always us to do. You can find some really nice corrupt rolls on these as well, +1 Curse or Elemental Damage with Attack Skills are really nice.



Shaper's Touch is an obvious choice for a build like this, tons of scaling via our attribute stacking.

Ideally you'll want a corrupt pair of these, with Elemental Weakness on Hit.



No surprise here, tons of attribute stacking, this will also make us immune to Shock which is very useful, especially while running with a Vessel of Vinktar flask.

Ideally you buy a corrupt version with Increased Wrath Effect or more Intelligence and/or Strength.



For boots, we'll be looking for any base, 25-35% Movement Speed, high ES, Resistances & maybe even Intelligence, anything else is a bonus.



Passive Trees

Kill All for 2 Points, or Alira if you're having trouble capping resistances.

Gems and Links
In most cases 20 quality gems will always slightly increase something, as will level 21 gems. You should slowly start working towards getting your main 6L gems 20Q/21L whenever possible.

Gems are listed in order of importance, so if you're running a 5L, you'll be dropping Lightning Penetration.


Main Hand (Hand of Wisdom and Action)









Body Armor


Off Hand


Watcher's Eye

Watcher's Eye with "Damage penetrates 15% Lightning Resistance while affected by Wrath" and "+# Energy Shield gained for each enemy hit while affected by Discipline" is best in slot for us, however currently these can run you anywhere from 5-10 Exalts.


Regular Jewels

Ideally what you're looking for with jewels is "% Increased Damage" and "% Increased Lightning Damage", "% Increased Critical Strike Chance with Elemental/Lightning Skills" is nice for damage, but you may also want to consider "% Increased Maximum Energy Shield" as well. Resistances are important if you are unable to cap them with just gear, you can also go above resistances so that Elemental Weakness mods on maps aren't a big deal.


Helmet Enchantments

Clear Speed Enchant: Lightning Strike pierces 2-3 additional Targets.

Bossing Enchant: 25-40% increased Lightning Strike Damage.

Decent Enchant: Lightning Strike fires 2-3 additional Projectiles.


Boot Enchantments

Best Bossing Enchant: Adds 1 to 56-160 Lightning Damage if you haven't Killed Recently.

Second Best Bossing Enchant: Damage Penetrates 6-10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently.

General Mapping Enchant: 0.4%-0.6% of Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently.

Slightly Worse General Mapping Enchant: Regenerate 1%-2% of Life and Mana per second if you were Hit Recently.


Glove Enchantments

DPS Increase Enchant: "of Ire: Release a lightning charged spinning copy of your weapon or its projectiles that rotates around a point, damaging enemies in an area."

Free Chilled Ground Enchant: "of Spite: Releases a nova of projectiles based on your weapon, leaving chilling ground in their wake."

  • Soul of Lunaris
  • Soul of Yugul

Additional Information
Weapon swap to easily cancel Blood Rage!

“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Last edited by OhhPaigey on Jul 21, 2018, 1:56:01 AM
Last bumped on Oct 11, 2018, 3:36:52 PM
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“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well. Good to see another HoWA lover.

Any specific reason you chose crit over standard EO route?
My build guides:

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Bristoling wrote:
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well. Good to see another HoWA lover.

Any specific reason you chose crit over standard EO route?

Heh, I actually seen your post and it was making me hesitant to post mine since they're quite similar.

Crit just seemed like the better route in general, better DPS for not much investment. It's hard to pass up on those juicy claw crit nodes.

In general I'm not a huge fan of EO unless you dedicate a proper setup to maintaining its uptime. I used to run a self cast GC build that was EO and used Inc Crit Strikes with Arc and Frost Bomb in Kitava's Thirst... that was near 100% uptime.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

You shouldn't hesitate, we use completely different trees, mines dual wield, your's 1h+shield, EO vs Crit etc.

It's always good to see how someone else takes same ascendancy and build enabling weapon and does something different :)
I think I understand why you chose it now, with MS I get a lot of hits per second so EO is easy to trigger, with LS it might be harder, so yeah, going crit is probably a better choice.
The only thing I'm not sure of is where do you get your +1 curse for 3 curses, since I don't see you taking Whispers of Doom, but maybe I missed something, it's pretty late here and I really need to go to bed soon :D

Anyway, good luck with your build!
My build guides:

Taking a break from PoE, catch me up in Warframe: https://www.warframe.com/signup?referrerId=5b625847f2f2eb0ea0750322
Use above link for free booster when you sign up! :)
Last edited by Bristoling on Jun 26, 2018, 11:33:13 PM
Bristoling wrote:
You shouldn't hesitate, we use completely different trees, mines dual wield, your's 1h+shield, EO vs Crit etc.

It's always good to see how someone else takes same ascendancy and build enabling weapon and does something different :)
I think I understand why you chose it now, with MS I get a lot of hits per second so EO is easy to trigger, with LS it might be harder, so yeah, going crit is probably a better choice.
The only thing I'm not sure of is where do you get your +1 curse for 3 curses, since I don't see you taking Whispers of Doom, but maybe I missed something, it's pretty late here and I really need to go to bed soon :D

Anyway, good luck with your build!

Thanks take care, you as well.

The third curse is optional depending on your equipment. I'll be adding a section about it tomorrow when I finish up the guide, but youre right, for now Ive only been running with two curses.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”


Both of your builds are cool and I'm very tempted to try one of them, as I've been looking for some fast action-packed Occultist build.

What might be missing is how these builds could be league-started, and improved as currency comes along, 'cause I'm poor as fuck :)
Guide is basically complete at this point. Will be adding a couple minor things, maybe trade links for quickly gearing, and possibly a leveling guide at some point.
“No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve contributed to creating, no matter what’s happening, you are always doing the best you can with the understanding and awareness and knowledge that you have.”

When i saw this on stream i had to try it, Thank you for guide!!

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