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Last bumped on Apr 6, 2024, 3:53:27 PM
New Arc feels great, especially with traps. Great clear, decent single target power.
Some players feel the new Arc is overpowered, but honestly, I see nothing that I hadn't already been doing when I played a Tornado Shot build. It's competitive without being too much.

Currently mid 90's with it in Incursion league, using Lightning Spire to boost single target killing power and it feels almost exactly like playing a spell version of Tornado Shot while using Barrage for single target.

Of course, since it is a spell, it caps out in power much faster than attack builds do, so it can never quite reach expensively geared attack builds, not to mention there's far more map mods that'll lower elemental damage than f.ex mostly physical damage builds.

All in all, a great change that made it competitive, at least with traps, without being entirely too much.

Though, if it does get nerfed, I wouldn't do much beyond lowering the More multiplier per chain left to 10% from 15%. It wouldn't affect the clear noticeably, but would take a fair bit off its single target power.

Just my 2 cents.
IGN: HowDoIShotBows
Last edited by idiocyincarnate#6033 on Jun 10, 2018, 5:04:15 AM
Thank for the new arc , visually it is better than before however the vaal version is irrevelant visually since it's the same of the normal version and i hope you will update this to make it mightier and bigger looking so more relevant.

Thank, wish you the best.
Last edited by Elf_97#7231 on Jun 21, 2018, 2:35:30 AM
idiocyincarnate wrote:

Though, if it does get nerfed, I wouldn't do much beyond lowering the More multiplier per chain left to 10% from 15%. It wouldn't affect the clear noticeably, but would take a fair bit off its single target power.

That would lower the single target damage, so depending on where you want single target to be that value could range from 5-25 and you could reduce the number of chains by 1 to balance between better clear or better single target. All in all its in a good place overall and I'm not advocating for nerfs.
IGN : Reamus
Arc's single target is above average but not op.

for some comparison at lvl 20 gems dps -

freeze pulse: 1534
magma orb: 1248
flame surge: 2416 to burning targets
blade vortex: 5198 at 10 stacks
fireball: 1484
frostbolt: 1255
arc: 1299

Of course there are a lot of other mechanics in play like some spells can aoe overlap, the fact that other gems gotta multiproj and cannot aoe overlap/shotgun, ailments, etc. some usually hit more than once like gc and bladefall

though a lot of spells do have like 750 (ice nova) -1kish dps range... poor vortex with 637 hit dps and terrible aoe.
Last edited by biyte#7917 on Aug 15, 2018, 11:51:06 PM
I think you guys buffed Arc's single target damage too much. Now Arc is like a no-brainer for lightning spell. It's auto-target ability, decent single target damage.. why would you need other spells?

Arc with Traps and Poet Pen is crazy good because you don't even need to target anything.
Arc is nice, but it lacks some Threshold jewels to go with it.
SteelJade wrote:
Arc is nice, but it lacks some Threshold jewels to go with it.


no it doesn't?

I play an Arc Trapper and think it's too strong myself. Arc definitely is not "okay" right now.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Arc is fine, 0.25sec throwing time Arc Trap x5 is not "okay".
Arc cast time should be reduced to 0.4-0,5 sec with a corresponding avg damage reduction to keep dps at current level.

Last edited by SomethingWonderful#6156 on Aug 17, 2018, 7:22:46 PM
ArtCrusade wrote:
SteelJade wrote:
Arc is nice, but it lacks some Threshold jewels to go with it.


no it doesn't?

I play an Arc Trapper and think it's too strong myself. Arc definitely is not "okay" right now.

I guess we agree:
Self cast is fine and kinda weak for single targets.
Multiple arc traps / mines / totems are too strong
Last edited by SteelJade#3001 on Aug 18, 2018, 6:32:33 PM

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