Shocked ground animation

The new shocked ground animation is too bright and nauseating. Please make it more subtle.
Last bumped on Jun 20, 2018, 9:46:43 AM
Yes. Please do so.
It's horrible. Just horrible. I refuse to run that map mod any more, purely because of the visuals, my build is immune to shock.
I think that can cause an epileptic attack...seriously
I'm finding it hard to tell what I'm killing as there's all this distraction in the way. I feel that in general, the new ground effect visuals have been significantly degraded in order to address performance concerns. Please continue iterating (sooner rather than later) on these visuals as they do have a significant impact to the game play and visual experience.
I was about to post about the new lightning ground but people already do, which is good because I feel like having a seizure playing with it.

Headache, eye pain.

really bad, please tone down, I would be even happy if you would do the old effect for a while.
please tune it way down, its hurting my eyes.
considering how much mapping an average player does, it could even be a liability issue
It is disgustingly unappealing to the eye -- cannot believe it made it past Erik.
And it is migraine inducing.
Please get rid of it ASAP.
I'll chime and say that it's WAY overboard.

Here's an example of what it looks like to me.

I don't have epilepsy but even i can't look at it without feeling a little nauseated and uneasy. It hurts my eyes and distracts from other effects way too much.
Last edited by Setharial#7283 on Jun 18, 2018, 9:03:59 AM
Please revert the shocked artwork, it is too bright.
The background is brighter than the main character itself, and is distracting.

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