[3.2] LL RF SR Guardian variations
During these theory crafting times, i offer you some thoughts and applications on Guardian LowLife Righteous Fire / Scorching Ray builds. There are a lot of different guides about these builds, for exemple : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2088517
So i will just gives here some ideas of unusual items that i use. As a bonus i linked videos and path of building of my (old) build as an exemple at the end. Disclaimer: that's probably not suited for hardcore and ssf, but they are based on cheap unique, so it's affordable to "common" player. : Strong body armor. Gives huge regen boost and has a good base ES with some bonus damage. I like the regen boost because it let you do "hard" RF map more easily (- max resist or -60% player recovery). But the problem if you want to use it with RF and LL is that you need some protection against chaos. Soo next item is: : Good duration for a ruby flask. and the needed "chaos does not bypass ES". But, as the flask put you on 1 life on use, if you want to maintain that RF, you need some health flask too, so i use: : That flask gives really good bonuses +4max% resist and some iiq & iir. But to maintain this bonus you need to recover life continually. as you won't regen life naturally with zealoth oath. Coruscating elixir will remove all your life and Divination Distillate restore it. So you need approx 500 life unreserved to do the trick. and you just use both flask together (need little training to push them together at the right timing to let rf on). (No quality on that flask or it will refill life faster then stop faster.) The 500 life unreserved are quite usefull too to tank small chaos damage when you don't have flask. The "chaos hole" seems really dangerous at first, Because you have only flask against chaos. But experimentally chaos damage are not a big problem in poe. So the 3 items together gives good boost to global tanking at the cost of possible vulnerability to chaos. If you take precaution and learn to be carefull against the few chaos threat, that's improve tanking for 3 cheap unique. (Cheaper than the https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Shavronne%27s_Wrappings usually used in those builds.) You can take ascendancy to be immune against poison, get boots to be immune against desecrate ground. That left few mobs with chaos damage and few maps with chaos boss that should be avoided (but can be done nevertheless). Other cools items: : can gives immunity against ignite and shock, That reduce a lot the fluctations in the damages that you takes, and has good synergy with the mandatory https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Shaper%27s_Touch. As the build is globally not so fast i have some items to help: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Inspired_Learning It's a cool jewel and with my tree it's not a big investment. and to sustain rampage with only one flask without stress. even if this weapon gives less damage than usual scepter, the increase speed compensate when you consider that you do the whole map and not only the boss. Videos: First, exemple of "hard map" but doable (boss with heavy chaos damage and -60% recovery): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpbSH2vUc4A&feature=youtu.be Palace facetank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsZXTiNWg5Q&feature=youtu.be Minotaur run: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlppRWYpDgE Path of building: https://pastebin.com/EGAEmdge Last bumped on May 31, 2018, 5:19:26 PM
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