Ethical target dummy - CI block regen mana guardian full tank
Not intended or recommended for competitive aspects without modifications, mainly a test build for others, feel free to pm on @Markusz
PoB: Skill tree: Stats 12595 ES 2294 ES/s base regen 3353 ES/s regen with Sulphur flask 8642 ES/s regen with flask and guardian burst regen active Not using regen pantheon or stone golem 74/72% block (keeping recently attack and cast buffs active) 108/88/92% resist overcaps Pros - Barely anything can "oneshot" it - Good CTF flag runner Cons - Countered by Frost bomb/Occultist - Countered by kiting, running out of flask charges - Only sustains mana by flask - Only deals good damage to close range targets, and mostly when EE is procced on them Pantheons Solaris with all upgrades, most important is Jorus against crits Gruthkul or Abberath against attack or fire opponents, no Tukohama because you don't want to stand still. IGN: Márkusz My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Last edited by Márkusz#4682 on May 7, 2018, 1:57:47 PM Last bumped on May 9, 2018, 2:47:12 AM
yea, looks immortal against 4L.
Last edited by rome0s#1972 on May 8, 2018, 11:29:08 PM
Markusz, are we going to ban SR+ balefire? It is discussed in the Balance thread.